Part 8

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{ A song has been linked above to make thing's much worse for yourself (: }

"Where did you even get these?" Kenma asked, face scrunched up as he held the offensive item out to Kuroo. He hadn't seen Kuroo pack them, and if he had, he would have burned the box they sat in.

Kuroo's head peaked around the corner to inspect what Kenma was talking about. And when he did, a smirk crossed his face. "They reminded me of you."

" These reminded you of me?" Kenma was flabbergasted.

In his hands were by far the ugliest pillows he had ever laid eyes on. Each showed a different cartoon cat, adorned with a cheesy slogan like 'you're paw-some!' and 'you put the meowsic in me!' What sort of person would make such a wretched product? And then, which idiot would buy them?

"I think they're neat."

Ah. His idiot.

Kenma buried his face in the pillows, mostly so he didn't have to look at Kuroo. "I can't believe this." The pillows muffled Kenma's voice, Kuroo unable to make out a word he said.

"Come on, they're fun. Now can you help me unpack the plates?"

Kenma's head perked up from the pillows. "Are you up to that already?"

Kuroo nodded. "I brought the boxes in."

After haphazardly throwing the godforsaken pillows back into the box, Kenma followed Kuroo from the living area back into the kitchen. "You do the plates because you're shorter and can reach that cabinet easier. And I'll do the cups." Kuroo added, gesturing to an overhead cabinet where he intended the cups to go.

Kenma was too tired from moving boxes to retort the quip on his height. Instead he sat down cross-legged in front of the cupboard where the plates were intended to go, and shifted them one-by-one from the cardboard box into a neat stack.

They worked in a comfortable silence together, save Kuroo humming some pop songs as he stacked cups and mugs onto his shelf.

The silence was shattered by the sound of glass hitting the floor, smashing into hundreds of pieces. Kenma whipped his head around to see Kuroo standing over the remains of a cup it appeared he'd dropped.

Kenma hopped to his feet, eyes surveying the scene before him. "Don't move, you might accidentally step on glass and cut yourself."

"Fuck, Kenma, I'm sorry. I don't know what happened, it just slipped." Kuroo's brows were drawn together. Kuroo had never been a particularly clumsy person, but accidents happened. Kenma knew that. Cups were replaceable.

"It's alright, it's just a cup. Do you know which box the dustpan and broom are in?" The sooner he got this mess cleaned up, the less likely Kuroo would accidentally hurt himself.

"Um, I think it's the one labelled 'laundry'. Should be in the living room."

With a nod of his head, Kenma grabbed the boxcutter from atop the kitchen bench and ventured into the living room. Sure enough, there was a cardboard box with Kuroo's familiar handwriting labelled exactly in the manner Kuroo had said it would be.

Kenma swiftly cut through the box, rummaged through to find the dustpan and matching broom, and brought it back to the kitchen with him. Kuroo was still standing in the exact same spot. Instead of looking up at Kenma though, he was staring down at his hands, holding them out as though there was something strange about them.

"Did you cut your hand?" Kenma asked, voice soft. He couldn't see any injury, but who knew. He crouched to the floor and began sweeping the shards of glass into the small dustpan.

Kuroo's voice sounded distant. "No, just feel funny."

Kenma hummed in response. "They're probably just a bit sore from carrying boxes around all day. Do you want me to have a look?" Kenma didn't know what he would be looking for, but he wanted to put Kuroo's mind at ease.

"It's alright. Here, give me the dustpan, I'll sweep." Kuroo reached out for it, but Kenma shook his head, pulling the dustpan away.

"You just stand there and look pretty, I'm almost done anyway," Kenma teased. It was true, he had already cleared the majority of the glass. Crisis averted.

Kuroo shifted his weight between his legs. "Thank you, Kenma."

Kenma shook his head. Kuroo's habits of being nervous about menial things had been something that Kenma had been trying to ease him out of since they were kids. Usually, it worked. But there were moments like these, moments completely unpredictable to Kenma, where it would make itself known again. Not that they bothered Kenma at all, he just wanted Kuroo to be happy.

"It's not a big deal," Kenma shrugged. "Just a cup. We still have like, 15 left. There are only two of us that live here. It was a sign we bought too many. Survival of the fittest cup."

Kuroo's head was still downturned. Once Kenma had disposed of all the glass, he got to his feet and approached Kuroo, wrapping his arms around him. "You okay?"

Kuroo met his gaze, Kenma struggled to tell what he was thinking. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry to worry you, kitten."

"Nothing to be sorry about." Kenma unhooked one of his arms from around Kuroo's waist, and tapped his cheek. "If you really want to make it up to me though."

And just like that, the usual smile that Kenma associated with being home was back across Kuroo's face. He leaned down, craning his neck to place a kiss on Kenma's cheek where his finger had just been pointing. As he pulled back, Kenma pushed forward, this time placing his lips on Kuroo's own. Once he felt Kuroo's arms wrap around his back, he melted into the kiss, perfectly content to stay like that for the rest of the day.

"I'm really proud of us," Kuroo whispered, his hot breath tickling Kenma's cheek. He nuzzled their noses together, causing a feeling of warmth to spread throughout Kenma's body.

He was proud of them, too. Now he'd finally graduated, they could move in together properly, finally make their own home. Their own little corner of the world. He reached down to grab Kuroo's hand in his own, pulling it up to kiss his palm.

"Kenma, you can't do cute shit like that, it makes my heart weak," Kuroo whined, prompting Kenma to plant another kiss on his boyfriend's hand- just to see him blush.

"We have a home," Kenma said, smiling wide as he looked up at Kuroo.

Kuroo pressed a kiss to Kenma's forehead. "Can we celebrate?"

"What? Isn't it too early in the day to drink?"

Kuroo laughed. "No, that can be later. Dance with me first?"

Kuroo had completely outdone himself in sappiness, this was a new high. But Kenma was happy, ridiculously in love, and wanted to celebrate, so he nodded his head. This prompted Kuroo to pull his phone from his pocket, scroll through a couple of menus, before playing a slow love song.

He stuck out his hand to Kenma. "May I have this dance?"

Kenma took his hand. "Of course."

Kuroo wrapped his arms around Kenma's back once again, Kenma lifting his arms in turn to wrap around Kuroo's shoulders. They swayed, completely out of time with the music, but too caught up in their own little world to even notice.

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