chapter five

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Seeing Aponi act so motherly with my child only after a couple of hours made my heart skip a couple of beats—that was until I saw the brandings on her chest that her tank top failed to cover up.

They were the brandings of Nikhailov Smirksy, the mob boss of Russia. He pretty much ruled the underworld of Russia and some of the United States; he essentially had his hands in all of the pies: drugs, trafficking, and guns. He had people in the government in Russia and I'm sure he had them here as well.

We had never had to run across him but it was clear that Aponi was not that lucky. I wasn't paying attention before, but she had a brand across her chest, cuts on her arms, burns and scars covering her shoulders; I almost didn't want to hear what they had done to her, but I knew I had too.

"Well I guess I better tell you my story," she says while sighing. I knew it would be hard for her so I tried to take Nikolas back so he wasn't bothering her but she held him tight to her chest and shook her head. I nodded and set my hand down on her thigh and squeezed, but not letting go after. She sent me a grateful smile and I returned it before looking at Zeus and he already had a hand on her other thigh.

I was brought out of my thoughts when Aponi started talking again, "You may want to get Ivan here as well, I don't really want to repeat this." Ivan, as if hearing his name, came over and sat in the seat next to Zeus.

"What did I miss?" He looked at our faces before looking at his sister and then looking at her body, "Oh, shit, butterfly, what the fuck happened."

She tried to smile but it came out as a grimace, "Well, as you can probably already see, I was taken by Nikhailov Smirksky, but it wasn't just me, it was my entire team—my brothers. Things in the crime business were taking a turn for the worse here in the United States and it was because of him, so our commanders were told to send our team to take him down. Somehow, he found out about it and we were ambushed when we going in to get rid of him.

"I was the only female on my team, and he seemed to take a liking to me, and not a platonic one. He was pretty much obsessed. He would promise not to kill my team members if I-" she abruptly stopped and cleared her throat, looking down with tears in her eyes. Zeus looked over her head and I could tell we already knew what she was going to say.

I was going to speak up and tell her that she didn't need to say anything further, that we already knew and she didn't have to explain, but she cut me off. "If I allowed him to rape me. I did, of course, for my team members, but in the end, he killed them all anyway. I didn't know why, he suddenly seemed so spooked the last couple of days before he killed my team. I don't think he ever planned to kill me, I think he was going to keep me, but I managed to kill the guard taking me and steal his car.

"I got to a payphone and called one of my commanders, he picked up and I only had time to tell him who it was and my location before I remember a knife running across my throat. He must have been incredibly young because he didn't cut deep enough, just enough for me to pass out from blood loss and I guess he must have been spooked by something because the next thing I know, I'm in a hospital bed and my commanders are telling my I'm being sent back to the States." She takes a deep breath and blinks away her tears before kissing an asleep Nikolas' head.

I didn't realize it before, but I realized I had a tear running down my cheek when she wiped it away with her thumb. She did the same for Zeus and then looked to Ivan. He had tears in his eyes and he looked ready to burst. Aponi handed Nikolas to me and climbed over Zeus, who, even if he had just heard his butterfly's tragic story, looked ready to devour her as her ass was right in his face, and honestly, I couldn't blame him.


It shocked me when she wiped my tear away because I couldn't really remember the last time I had cried. But then she climbed over me and her whole perfectly shaped ass was in my face and I don't even remember why I was crying.

However, I soon remembered when she climbed onto Ivan's lap and he tucked his face into her neck and sobbed. He could be compared to a child with his mother and it honestly broke my heart. I didn't have any biological siblings so I couldn't compare to how he was feeling but I almost started crying again. By now, the club had looked over and was staring at their brother sobbing into his sister and had curious looks on their faces but one glare from me and Anton and they scurried on their merry way.

After about 10 minutes, his sobs became cries which then became hiccups which then become soft little huffs and Aponi just sat there and pet his hair, like a mother would their child. It was a sweet moment and I couldn't help but feel a little like an intruder until she looked up at us and smiled softly.

"Thank you," she whispered.

Anton and I glanced at each other confusedly before looking back at her, "For what?"

"For being there for my brother when I wasn't. For taking me in; however, I do understand if I need to leave—if he were to find out I was alive, everyone here would be doomed. Zeus, you have to think about the club, and Anton, you have to think about your child. If he comes for me, you will also be on his hitlist."

I sighed and thought hard. It wasn't only my decision, I would have to talk to the club and decide whether or not she would be able to stay, but if it were only my decision, she would stay. She had already been through so much and seen so much, she didn't need to try to win another battle if I had any say in the matter. She didn't have any experience in the normal world, so trying to find a job and sustaining herself out there would be damn near impossible.

I'm sure I would have Anton's vote, and most likely the ex-military guys' votes. I know Ivan would want her to stay and the other brother's are compassionate enough to where after they heard her story they would want to protect her. All of the guys in my club are extremely protective over women because there are still people that think that women should be held below men and none of us support that.

At the club, we may have a hierarchy but it's not based off of gender, it's based of off your job. I'm at the top, followed by my VP, and then the other top ranks. Then it's just the regular members and then it's the club bunnies. Old ladies hold the same status as their partner; they constantly know what's going on in the club but they have no choice in what we do because they technically are not patched in.

"Aponi, if it was solely my choice, you wouldn't leave, but we need to hold church so the brothers and their Old Ladies can hear your story and decide then. I want to protect you, but these men have families so it's ultimately their choice as well."

She nods with a smile on her face, "Either way, I'll be okay. If I stay here, I can help you guys with anything. I'm highly trained in a lot of fields and I know how to ride a motorcycle but I'm also damn good with cars. If not, I'll be fine out in the regular world too, I think."

I admire that about her, she's always so positive, even after everything that had happened to her. And she was putting people she knew nothing about before herself and it shows she is a true leader, a true Queen. Our queen.

hello my wonderful readers! i have been exposed to someone who has coronavirus because people are stupid so now i am quarantined so i hope that more chapters will be coming out! i'm so sorry about my writing schedule, life is wack right now. anyways, my dm's are always open for you guys!

anyways, vote and comment! so much love:)

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