chapter seven

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We are all in my office, once again, except this time, it's because I'm attracted to his sister. Ivan is on the left side of the room, while Anton, Aponi, and I are on the right, heads down like children except for Aponi, who has her hands behind her back and is looking Ivan in the eye.

"Now that we are in private, what the fuck is going on?" He stands with arms crossed and eyes squinted.

Aponi speaks first, "I'm attracted to them, obviously." She shrugs her shoulders and that seems to piss him off even more.

"Are you kidding me, Aponi? You've been here a couple of days and you're already whoring about," he all but whispers, I'm sure anyone outside could hear. His comment sends a burst of anger through me and I notice Anton about to open his mouth but before he does, Aponi talks first.

"Not that it's any of your business, but I haven't had sex since I was first deployed; and you don't have any room to talk, so before you criticize me, maybe look at yourself. You're my brother, and I love you, but if you ever say anything like that to me again, I'll leave and I won't look back." She speaks strongly and clearly, before glaring at him and walking calmly out of the room and shutting the door.

It's silent before Anton speaks up, "You are a fucking dick. What's the matter with you? That's your sister, who's been through hell the past six years; she's risked her life for everyone and she still puts a smile on her face like everything is fine. No one has a clue what she's really been through and you have the audacity to speak to her like that? Especially when everyone knows you fuck everything with a vagina. As her brother, you are going to apologize." He continues to glare at Ivan who actually starts to feel remorseful and I decide to tell him my side.

"Also, Anton and I are attracted to Aponi. I know that's the last thing you want to hear, but it's true. I know it's more than sex, Ivan, and we've decided that she gets both or neither of us. You can like it or not, but it's not really up to you." Anton nods and Ivan looks hesitant.

He thinks for a moment before nodding and sighing, "Just please. . . please don't hurt her."

I nod, "I swear on my life to never intentionally hurt her." Anton agrees and we all clap hands before leaving the door. We walk out to the main room and look across to try and find Aponi, but she's not in the room.

I walk over to Riot, "Hey, man, have you seen Aponi?" He nods and points outside while Krista scoffs and shakes her head. I was going to say something but Anton grabs my shoulder and shakes his head. Ivan leads the way outside and the sight makes my heart melt.

Aponi is laying on the ground with Nikolas laying on her chest and they are both looking at the clouds, but she is pointing at images and he's giggling. Aponi, observant as always, looks at us and waves, blatantly ignoring her brother. Ivan sighs and walks back inside, leaving Anton and I to walk over to her.

"Hello, querida." She smiles at me again and Nikolas giggles, turning over and tucking his face into her boobs, again.

She chuckles before looking up at us again, "Hello, boys. Why don't you join us?" She scoots over to the middle of the blanket and I lay to her left with Anton at her right.

Laying there, I feel genuinely happy for the first time in a long time. I feel content and I have no worries in this moment. I grabbed her hand in mine and she turned her head to me. She stared in my eyes before looking to Anton and then back up to the sky. By now, Nik had fallen asleep and Aponi was dozing off.

Anton grabbed Nikolas off her chest and ogled at her cleavage, but I was doing the same so I can't say anything. I picked her up, bridal style before walking into my room and laying her down in the middle of the room. We had moved a crib in the room already for Nik so Anton and I shredded down to our boxers before getting into bed next to her.


When we woke up the next morning, Aponi and Nikolas were not in the room and Zeus and I were very close. Zeus' eyes snapped open and he nearly fell off the bed from surprise at seeing me.

"Dude, what the fuck. Where's Oni?" he groaned and stretched his arms before pulling on pants and walking out the door, me not far behind him.

We enter the kitchen and see Aponi at the stove stirring eggs with Nik on her left arm. She has "Danger in the Dancehall" by Jesse Woods playing and she's dancing and swaying around the kitchen like she owns the place. I don't even think she notices the people at the table staring at the show she's putting on.

Zeus walks up and hugs her from behind, kissing her and Nik on the head, "What's up, baby? Why aren't you in bed?"

She turns and winks at him, "I'm used to getting up at six, and Nik was up and squirming so now we're making breakfast for everyone." She smiles and kisses his cheek before going back to her original task and kissing Nik's face.

I start to feel left out so I walk over and hug the other side of her and kiss her and Nik's face before grabbing coffee and reclaiming my spot next to her. I turn my head to the rest of the room and notice everyone gawking at us. I look back down to Aponi and I notice what she's wearing.

"Sweetheart, what are you wearing?"

She looks herself up and down before resuming her stirring, "A tanktop and shorts." She rolls her eyes and then looks me in the eyes before moving to my bare chest and then Zeus'. "What are you both wearing?" Her voice is laced with jealousy and when she looks to the kitchen door, her face flashes with anger.

Zeus and I look back and notice some of the club whores standing there gawking at us and glaring at Aponi. "Well, guys, breakfast is ready. Eat up." She walks to the table with her plate and sits at an end chair with Nik on her lap.

"She acts like she's his mother," Zeus whispers in my ear.

"I know," I say softly with a smile.

hello, readers. i apologize that i've been absent for quite a while. my life has been extremely hectic right now, and i wanted to thank you for your patience. i hope you all have had a great few weeks! please comment and vote.

with love,


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