23. Unpleasant Surprise

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Yin-Yu's heart stopped a moment when the guards opened the door of King Wang's room. She kept her upright posture, but with a sad expression. Everybody could see, it wasn't her lucky day. Especially when questions filled and tortured her mind. Everything was so unrealistic, like a bad dream.
King Wang stood at the window. When she came in, he turned to her and came closer until they met in the middle of the room.
"Did you make a good recovery?" he asked.
She nodded.
"I apologize for that incident. It's a mystery for me how he had escaped from my prison."
She watched him like it wouldn't interest her. Nothing seemed to interest her. Her thoughts were just focused on one person.
The big ox eyed her mindfully. "Did you think about our deal?"
She sighed, but she nodded.
"And? What's your answer?"
Two seconds passed, and before she could move her beak, Wang preempted. "Don't misunderstand me. Before you give the answer. I want to explain, I don't want to force you, but I found it for the best solution for you."
He crossed his arms on his back. "And something more. My soldiers talked me about some strangers. Did you know them?"
She hesitated. A dark shadow lay over her eyes.
King Wang didn't break the eye contact. "Was he a friend of yours?"
She winced and moved away. "No, not really, maybe more..."
She walked to the window and watched the snow outside. Her mind was so confused. A chaos like the snowflakes in the wind. So many questions without reply.
What had she done? He had never looked at her with hate like yesterday. She couldn't explain why. All what she knew were their wonderful moments with each other. She never wanted to miss them. Even not because of his rage. Whatever happened, she has been just happy that Xiang told her, he had taken care that he would come out of the castle.
"Snow is so beautiful," she muttered.
King Wang couldn't do anything with that. Another question was in his mind. "That panda, did you know him?"
She shook her head slowly, still looking out of the window.
"Too bad. I had hoped it would be the special panda what China is talking about the whole time." He waved that thought away. "But I think that's unimportant at the moment." He watched her. "I know you hate your husband, do you?"
She wrapped her wings around herself. She didn't want to answer. But her silence spoke a clear language.
King Wang came closer. "Well then. Do you agree my deal?"
She lifted her head. "Yes..."
Suddenly, the door was opened. The king and the lady turned around in surprise. Soldiers came in, armed to the teeth.
"What's the meaning of this?" King Wang asked.
After five soldiers had passed the door frame, another bigger ox appeared between them and wore fewer weapons than the others.
"Guo!" King Wang cried. "What's going on?"
Yin-Yu realized the ox who had caught Xiang in the hidden corridors first.
"My last order, my king," Guo said and waved back.
The soldiers made way and another person entered the room.
Both didn't know what to say when Xiang smiled at them maliciously.
"Are you surprised to see me here?"
The colorful peacock chuckled.
Wang and Yin-Yu exchanged glances.
"I- I had no knowledge about..." the peahen stuttered.
"Like always," Xiang cut her words. "But I'm very disappointed what you wanted to do behind my back." The peacock showed a played disconsolateness and went over to her. "It saddens me to hear that we don't understand each other anymore."
He stopped in front of her. She lowered her head and ducked herself like an obsequious dog.
Xiang reached out his wing and lifted her chin. "How low can you go?"
The following slap on her face wasn't hard, but painful. King Wang wanted to push him away from her, but soldiers circled him with swords.
"I insist an explanation!" he said.
Xiang left Yin-Yu. "What it is, you ask? Explained with an easy word: Revolution. My revolution. Against you."
Wang's eyes wandered to Guo. "What have I done to you?"
"That's the problem," Guo replied. "Nothing. You did nothing for me. He made me a better offer."
Xiang laughed. "Don't worry. I didn't proselyte all of your men in this castle. Through the years, I bribed enough of your equals to save my control over this little place. And he will conduct my introductions." He waved at Guo. "I will occupy my new place, and you will find a new place." He raised his wings. "Imprison him!"
Then he turned at Guo. "And you and me, will make a declaration to the rest of that folk. Let's make it as fast as possible. I waited for that moment for so many years."
His blue burning eyes rested on the peahen. "And you... we will talk later."

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