33. Snow Melting

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"...and they all lived happily ever after," Po closed his story.
He was walking with his five friends through the street of the Valley of Peace while he had told them the story.
"Do you really think, they will be happy together?" Monkey asked.
Po slowed his pace. "I'm absolutely sure." He sighed. "Maybe you would say the same if you had seen what I had seen."
He wiped with his foot over a little snow hill. Meanwhile, the snow was melting. Just here and there lay a little white spot. The spring was ready to come back.
The panda smiled. "Snow is beautiful."
His friends exchanged glances and didn't understand his thoughtful words.
Quickly, Po shook his head and cracked his fingers. "Weeeelllll, now, what will be our next mission? Yeah, I'm always ready!"
He stopped. They were standing in near of Mr. Ping's restaurant. But somebody came out.
"Uh, why is our doctor coming out of our house?" Po asked.
Mantis jumped on his head. "Maybe to eat something."
Po thought a moment. "He never eats in our restaurant at about that time. Could it be that...?"
Suddenly, he guessed something and ran forward.
"Oh no! DAD!" As fast as he could, he crushed into the restaurant into the kitchen. "Dad! What happened?!"
"Oh, hi, Po", Mr. Ping greeted. "I have guessed that you would come."
Po's eyes wandered down to Mr. Pings bandaged wing.
The gander smiled. "It's just a little wing sprain. Nothing serious. I just slipped on a snow slush."
Po held his head when he saw how Mr. Ping was reaching for a bowl. "Let me do that, dad! I will help you with your work."
"But Po, that's unnecessary."
"You can't do that with one wing."
With these words, he grabbed the bowl, but shortly after he grabbed the garbage can.
"Po, I will look for a household help..."
"Don't worry, dad!" Po cried. "I will carry out the garbage!"
"But, Po..."
Tigress covered her face. And Mantis finished her thoughts: "I think, we have to go on a mission without him for a while longer."

- End of Part Two -

"And they all lived happily ever after..." Well, well. That's not the end of the story.
Here are the following stories which will follow after that story in that order:
"The Last Victory", "The Last Honor" and "The Last Hope".

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