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Mia's POV


The next morning I wake up to my alarm blaring at 7, just like every other morning ever.


After shutting my alarm off and nearly falling asleep again, I finally push myself up with a yawn, running my fingers through my hair. After throwing on a pair of joggers and a tank top with a black hoodie over it, I go to the bathroom to brush my hair. When I look at my reflection, my eyes widen so much I'm surprised they don't pop out. My hair was not this blond last night. Instead of the golden-brown my hair has always been, it's now more of a golden blonde, with new light streaks peeking through. Okay, what the hell.

I shake my head, deciding my hair must be getting blonder because of how blonde my dads hair was. That happens. Hair changes over time. My mom seemed pretty interested in my hair yesterday, so I pull it into a single dutch braid behind my head in hopes of hiding it before heading downstairs.

"Morning," I say as I enter the kitchen, giving my mom a hug.

"Morning hun," she replies with a smile as she hands me a plate of pancakes.


"Of course. Oh, I'm working a little late today. Meetings- bleugh." She makes a gag face, to which I smile and let out a quiet laugh.

"Ok," I reply, finishing my pancakes quickly and glancing at the clock. I'll be late if I don't get moving. I put on sneakers, grab my things, and give my mom a kiss on the cheek.

"Bye, love you," I call as I open the door, abruptly blasted with freezing cold air.

"Love you too!" She sings. I smile as I close the door, sealing myself out in the cold. Luckily, no kid bikes past me this morning. I also make no move whatsoever to step on any snow.


Only 5 more minutes, I tell myself as I rest my tired head in my hands. Not gonna lie, school has drained me today. I had two tests, one essay assigned, and lots of homework.


The class is buzzing with noise as we finish our lab for today in bio. Our teacher mostly lets us loose to do it with whoever, so there are basically cliques scattered across the large, bright classroom.

"Hey," Lizzie says from her spot next to me, "did you dye your hair?"

I sigh, pulling my braid over one shoulder. "No, it just... is lighter. I think because my dad had really blond hair."

Lizzie shrugs and nods, running her hand through her frizzy red hair.

"What did you get for c?"

"Uh... Glucagon."

"Ohhh right."

The last few minutes are actually really productive, which is surprising considering I'm in a group with Lizzie. We usually spend alot of class laughing at eachother...

Finally the bell rings, and the class rushes for the door, ignoring the teacher's orders to put our chairs up. Sorry Mr. Bardot.

"Oh, Mia!" Lizzie exclaims as we walk to the main door, our footfalls echoing with everyone else's in the huge main hallway of cheap tile flooring. "First of all, we need to go shopping for the winter dance this weekend, and second I will be facetiming you when you get home about the math. I cannot wrap my head around stats right now."

I laugh, sharing Lizzie's amused smile. "Sure. And yes, definitely need to go shopping. Ok, see ya later!" We split up once we get outside, Lizzie going to her car and me going down the sidewalk to our house.

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