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Mia's POV


"Mia," I hear a voice call from behind me. I just closed my door and am about to head to my lesson for today, which is supposedly going to be about other weapons, like swords and knives. I turn to see the Queen's second in command, Andor, striding briskly towards me.

"Morning Andor," I reply. I don't know Andor all that well, but from my encounters with him he seems pretty nice. He slows to a stop in front of me, his long hair gleaming in the early morning light shining through the windows.

"Just thought I would let you know that Knox will be training you today."

"Oh," I reply, unexpected excitement tugging at my gut despite obviously enjoying having Elanil teach me. El is great, but apparently Knox is one of the best.

"What's up with Elanil?"

"She's on an order from the Queen. They also decided Knox would be best to teach you today, since he's better with whatever you're doing." He pauses, turning as if to go, before swiveling back to face me.

"What are you learning now..?"

"Weapons," I reply with a smile. "El taught me about archery, so I guess Knox is going to teach me about knives and other weapons."

Andor nods, wishes me luck in practice and disappears around a corner. Ok, cool. Change of plans. I grab my transport stone out of my pocket, dropping it and picturing the training center.

When I materialize next to the weapons Knox is waiting, looking perfect as ever. It still gives me petty anger at how perfect elves look all the time. I wish I always looked that perfect. He's leaning against the wall, idly flipping a knife and catching it over and over.

"Morning," I call, causing him to snap out of whatever thought he was lost in. He catches the knife and slips it into a leather sheath on his leg. Today he's not wearing a tunic, just a loose, dark brown shirt and black pants. I take note of how he's wearing his knives. The leather arm cuffs he's wearing have little slits that are holding small knives, and the sheath with a leather strap wrapping around his leg. I also notice knife hilts sticking out from the tops of his boots.

"Good morning. Taking stock of my weapons?"

I look up to his face, realizing he probably saw me looking. Of course he did.

"Yeah," I reply. Knox nods.

"Good habit to get into. Now, first step is choosing a weapon. Usually each elf has a special weapon that- I don't know, speaks to them."

"Oh yeah, El told me about that." I remember back to the night at the restaurant when Elanil showed me her sword. "What's yours?"

Knox puts his hand behind him, probably to grab something from a sheath on his back, like I saw that one guy at the restaurant have. When he pulls his hand out he's holding a long knife, more like a small sword. My mouth drops open once again. It has a dark wooden handle with gold on the end of the hilt. the blade itself is about a foot long, gleaming silver and a bit curved, with elvish words I can't read carved in a swirling, grand cursive into to the blade.

"That's gorgeous. What's carved into the blade?"

Knox flips the sword over to look at it. "Ah, it says 'He who conquers himself is the mightiest warrior.' It's ancient elvish, an old quote."

"Wow," I drawl. "So deep."

"Yeah," Knox chuckles. Then he looks at me curiously. "You can't read it yet?"

I look up at him with a puzzled expression and shake my head. "Why would I be able to read it?"

"I've heard that halfbloods grow the ability to read and speak elvish as they do the ability to fight or walk on snow."

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