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Now, some of you may be thinking, "Is this another Sasuke fic?" some of you may also be thinking, "Is this another BNHA crossover?"

To answer both of your questions, yes.

It occurred to me that there aren't enough fics with Sasuke in BNHA, so I decided to remedy that.

Welp, here we go.

The Rinnegan. All powerful doujutsu. Very few have ever been able to obtain one.

Sasuke happens to be one of those people.

Yes, it took a lot of pain (he did almost die for it) and a lot of suffering (his entire clan is dead and all he has to show for it is a purple eye). But it wasn't all for naught, there are a lot of things the Rinnegan can do that were once thought of as impossible.

Some just think it's a better Sharingan. Those people are wrong, and ought to base their opinions on facts.

The Rinnegan, while yes, one does need to have the Sharingan to have the Rinnegan, is fundamentally different from it.

Sasuke only has one Rinnegan, and that's enough for him.

The Rinnegan bathes the world in monochrome. Everything is gray. Light gray, dark gray, some occasional black and white here, chakra signatures there, and boom. That's the Rinnegan.

The Rinnegan can't just see Chakra signatures, it sees the colours. Different types of Chakra natures will naturally have different colours to accompany them.

For example, an infant whose Chakra pathways are still developing would be a calm blue and, depending on their future natures, have a different feel to it.

Lighting Chakra is prickly, cold but hot at the same time. Think of pouring way too hot water over your foot. It's so hot, it's cold. That's the feeling Sasuke gets from Lighting Chakra. Of course, his senses are enhanced due to the copious amount of Nature Chakra that seems to always gravitate towards him, but that's a different thing in and of itself.

Fire Chakra is hot and sometimes can feel as though someone sprayed pepper spray on his skin. Though, the pepper spray effect normally only happens when someone is trying to forcefully inject their chakra into his pathways and kill him because of it. Otherwise, Fire Chakra feels like a warm flame in front of your face, warming up your nose.

Sasuke could sit here all day and talk about the different Chakra natures and how they feel, but that's really not why he's thinking about the Rinnegan in the first place.

No, it's because Sasuke seems to be in a predicament.

He's not in Suna, which is where he went to bed the previous night.

This would normally be fine, the Rinnegan has teleported him to different nations before, but this was different.

Sasuke wasn't in the Elemental Nations.

None of the Elemental Nations had buildings quite like this, people quite like this. Sure, Ame was weird, but this was really pushing it. These people didn't have Chakra signatures, meaning they shouldn't be alive. But here they were, walking around like not having a life force didn't affect them. They weren't even Edo Tensei soldiers either, the Edo Tensei soldiers had Chakra.

The Rinnegan had never teleported him somewhere he hadn't already gone.

Sasuke took a few deep breaths to steady himself.

He was dangerously low on Chakra, and it wasn't regenerating as fast as it should've.

His body was also rapidly deaging. What the fuck.

Sasuke should've been about 19. Apparently, someone thought otherwise, because he could feel himself shrinking. Sasuke was only average height to begin with. He didn't want to get shorter. Not that the height issue was the only problem, but it was one of them.

"Hey kid, are you alright?" There was a guy in a weird outfit kneeling in front of him. He looked like a robot on steroids.

Holy shit. He'd actually shrunk. And he was wearing that stupid outfit from his time with Orochimaru. Sasuke hated that outfit. His arm was there too.

Did he lose his Rinnegan? He can't have, right?

He shoved the weirdly dressed man out of the way and ran into the streets.

Oh Amaterasu. Everyone is weird.

Sasuke knew it wasn't a genjutsu, his Sharingan made sure of that, but could it have been Tsukuyomi? No. There wasn't anyone alive who was able to perform that other than him.

So what was going on?

Sasuke turned to face the glass of a store and felt relief wash over him.

He still had his Rinnegan, so he still had a chance of going home.

"Kid?" Oh. The weird man again.

"I'm not a child." Sasuke snapped, then immediately wrinkled his nose. He sounded just as broody as his 15/16 year old self.

"Really? How old are you then?"

"I'm an adult."

"You don't look like an adult."

"You don't look sane, but I'm not saying anything." Sasuke grumbled.

The hero furrowed his eyebrows. "What were you doing in that alleyway?"

"The fuck should I know?" Sasuke muttered, his mouth moving on autopilot.

"You've got quite the vocabulary."

Sasuke resisted the urge to glare at him. He couldn't ask the man anything because that would make him seem out of place.

Did they have libraries here?

"Where are your parents?"

That's when it dawned on Sasuke, this man didn't recognize him. Sasuke inhaled slowly. "Why?"

"I'll take you to them."

"Lead the way then." Sasuke said with false cheer. "Off to the cemetery."

The hero stopped in his tracks. "Oh."

"Where am I?" Sasuke asked.

"Mustafu, Japan."


Now, Sasuke prided himself on his geography skills. He'd been pretty much everywhere in the Elemental Nations, so it would be hard not to have a good directional sense.

He could tell you the names and capitals of the 5 nations, and most, if not all, of the capitals of the smaller nations. He could name all the islands in the United Islands Republic, but never, not even once, had he ever heard someone mention a "Japan."

So, with one option left, Sasuke was forced to consider the impossible.

Dimensional travel.


Again, not sure if I'm going to continue this but who knows.

Never Trust Your Rinnegan (Tales of Sasuke's Travels)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang