Chapter Fourteen Whitlock coven story

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Edited on  3/4/17

Chapter Fourteen Izzy's Pov

    I look at the people in the room leaning into Jasper.

    "I was born in the early 1800's on a ranch house near what is now Houston. I was the black sheep of my family. I didn't act like everyone else. I didn't want to be a Texan Belle, I wanted to do what my brothers did. My friends would make fun of me because I didn't want to wear dresses or skirts. I wanted to wear pants and boots. My parents would reprimand me for not acting like a lady. As the years went on I rebelled. I left everything behind and joined the confederate army."

    I pause to take an unneeded breath.

    "I was nineteen at the time so I lied about my age and gender. That's when I first met Jasper. He was the Major and I was the Captain of our group of men. Of course he didn't know I was a female at the time," I say with a slight smirk thinking about when he found out.

    "So you two met on the battlefield?" Rosalie asks.

    "Yes we did but Jasper lost all of his memories of us knowin' each other. I spent weeks helping me remember," Jasper stiffens at this.

    "Let me say we made one damn good team. We never had a problem with our group of men. But after we were turned things took a turn for the worst," Jasper says with a sigh.

    I look up at everyone and pull Bree closer to me.

    "We were evacuating a group of women and children from Galveston, when we came across three beautiful women. Their names where Nettie, Lucy, and Maria. Maria was the one to change us. We hadn't been datin' at the time because the rest of the army didn't know I was a woman. After we woke up from the change the matin' bond kicked in. Maria doesn't allow mated pair in her army, so we had to keep it a secret," I stop to look over to Jasper who is running his fingers over the his wedding band he wears on a chin.

    "A year after we were changed, Jasper and I sired our venom brother Peter. Six months later we sired Charlotte. We all would protect each other, even if it meant torture."

    Jasper picks up where I left off.

    "Maria had creative ways of torturing us. She would remove limbs. Starve us to the point of slaughtering entire towns and villages. The worst that us vampires would go through is what she called rewards. Now most people would think that her rewards were something good, but in reality at least to the few mated pairs in the group it was torture. She would rape us but to the other vampires it was just sex."

    I see Bree stiffen at this. She moves closer to my feet where she was sitting on the floor.

    "Wait, before we go on I want to ask something," Bree says softly.

    "Okay Sweetheart."

    "Mr.Jasper said that Maria's reward was sex. Momma remember when I said there was more to my story than I told you?"

    "Yes baby. What does that have to do with what Jasper said?" I ask nervously hoping that what I'm thinking is wrong.

    "I told you that the students were physically hurting me. I didn't mean hitting and punching, I meant that the boys would rape me," Bree says with venom tears in her eyes.

    I could tell there was more to her story than what she let on. I don't question her about it knowin' she will tell me when she's ready.

    I look over at Rose, Esme, and Alice are sitting and see that they are dry sobbing along with Bree.

    "Momma, they made me feel like property, garbage. That's why I was going to of myself the day that you found me. I didn't know how to deal with it anymore."

    "Bree come here darling," I say softly wanting to comfort my daughter.

    Bree moves into my waiting arms. I pick her up and set her on my lap. She buries her head in my neck. I send her wave after wave of calm. Jasper looks over at me with with a sad smile on his face. I'm guessing from seeing me act like a mother.

    "Bree, Sugar. I'm so sorry. You shouldn't have had to go through that. I know what it's like and I would never want someone to go through that. Especially at thirteen years old."

    "Don't worry Momma. It's over now, they won't be able to get to me again," Bree says.

    I see a weird glint in her eyes that I haven't seen before. She whispers something under her breath and smiles a little.

    I calm Bree down and she relaxes into me.

    "Jay, do you want to go on a walk with me?"

    "Of course. Bree will you be okay staying with my family? We won't be long," Jasper asks her.

    "I'll be okay. I like them. They're not as scary as the other red eyed vampires I was with before."

    I guess she opened her eyes during her transformation.

    I hug Bree and kiss her forehead before we leave.

    "Be good Sugar. Don't cause trouble," I state with warning.

    "Psh. Come on Momma, you know that I will be," she says trying to keep a straight face, but fail miserably.

    "We will be good friends girly. You and I are a lot alike. I like to make jokes too," Emmett says pulling Bree into a bear hug.

    With that Jasper and I leave the house and head for the woods.  

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