Chapter Thirty-Six

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Sage remembered bits and pieces of the previous week and a half, all horror-filled, leaving her feeling aching and tired. Yet when she finally woke up and found herself coherent, she quickly became aware of the awful smell of sweat that permeated the room. The disgust caused her nose twitched back and forth only calling upon her dazed wolf.

A demonic growl sounded as she was downright livid, her mate did not come for her. And it wasn't that she hadn't tried, she tried calling out and offer herself yet he never came.

He broke his promise.

Sage suddenly cracked into a messy sob as she weakly fell into the likes of his pillow. Only to throw it across the room and away, the pack already felt the tension of their leaders. 

While Jack and Eli found themselves at a loss.

Harlow would be coming in just a few hours time, it wasn't ideal to tell another Alpha that the pack was struggling. But there was only so much that could be done, so the second Harlow landed on the Crescent Moon airstrip, he and a few others from Mystic Grimm trailed directly to the Packhouse.

All in the demanded that the Beta and Delta share where their Alpha was located.

"The base of the mountains is the last the scouts could find, I'll go with you...The pack doesn't want to get too close, two males are already in the infirmary." Harlow growled to his own men and they nodded before leaving the room.

"And Sage?"
"The girls said that her heat stopped three days ago, but the wolfsbane is still in her system and making her delirious. The antidote is working, slowly...But it's working." He nodded claiming that he needed to call Jade in a bit to let her know the outcome.

With Harlow's approach to the woods, they continued into the brute base of the mountain. Anyone could detect the testosterone in the air, the pure rawness of an Alpha. 

We're getting close Alpha, I can't go further.

It didn't surprise Harlow that Remus was camping out on the side of a mountain and marked his territory in anger, but the Alpha of Mystic Grimm wasn't about to cower down at this.

Harlow understood why he didn't want to mate Sage, a small discloser was that the male was self-conscious of the relationship. And even if either of the Alpha's cared about Sage, it wasn't the normal relationship.

She wasn't a normal mate, not that they could fault her for that either. But Remus would have to work through these discoveries with her, and right now was that time.

Alright, you had your fun, Remus. Sage is fine now.

His voice called out, and Remus growled lowly on the aspect of hearing it but ignoring the rest. He would remain in this cave until the end of his days.

He failed his mate.

Good goddess Remus, get up! It's time be Alpha.

Ha, what's the point? She's not going to forgive me. You wasted a flight.

And you're wasting away, if you planned on rejecting her then I would've brought her to my pack! Get up, before I leave with her.

No matter how awful Remus felt, he growled in defense in hearing a threat being made against his mate. And while Harlow was turning out of the cave, minding the few animal carcasses on the way out, he was met with the snapping remark of Remus' fangs.

I'm sure this'll turn out grand. But Sage smelling your blood while her emotions are already unstable isn't a good idea. Get a move on Alpha.

Remus let out a warning snap as he picked up the pace, the only time an Alpha would listen was in the midst of another Alpha. As there was an aspect of being on the same frequency.

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