6. Rage

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Green was dead.

There he was, lying on the floor of Communications right in front of me with his head facing the wrong way. His eyes, whose deep green matched the colour of his suit, looked up to meet mine, but he sure as hell couldn't see me.

My best friend. Dead.

I was so shocked that I didn't even scream. All I did was collapse to my knees and crawl into the room towards his body. When I reached him, I didn't know what to do. My hands moved on their own to feel his head and neck and pull him close. With every second, I found it harder to keep my breathing steady and keep myself from crying.

Footsteps thumped in the hallway until the Commander peered in. He didn't say anything at first, and I didn't turn to look at him. After a long moment of silence, he finally spoke: "Everyone, Green is dead in Communications."

In no time, the remaining seven crewmates—White, Orange, Yellow, Brown, Blue, Cyan, and I—were seated at one of the headquarters' cafeteria tables. It wasn't round, though, so the Commander couldn't make another Knights of the Round Table joke. It wasn't like there was time for that right now, though.

"So, it looks like we were wrong about Purple . . . ," Yellow muttered. That fact alone was shocking—who else could've killed Black back then?

"Red, did you see anyone nearby before walking into the room?" asked Orange, who sat directly across from me on the opposite table.

I shook my head, though my sunken eyes were glued to the table and couldn't meet anyone's stares. My voice was hoarse as I replied, "I was checking the wires in the southwest hallway before going out and passing by Communications. Nobody was around."

"Everybody state your locations," ordered White. "I was at Balcony."

"In Storage, I believe," answered Yellow.

"I was in Admin," muttered Brown.

"Reactor," added Orange.

"Labratory," said Cyan. "I was near Orange the whole time."

Nobody said anything, and it remained like that for an uncomfortable amount of time. Without the brains of our crew, Black, our deductive skills were weaker. If the Commander was gone as well, I'm pretty sure we'd be no different from elementary students trying to solve an algebra problem.

Yellow eventually spoke up. "Well, if nobody was nearby, what if Red did it herself?"

That was what made me finally look up. "You think I killed Green?" I asked, my words barely above a whisper. Beneath the table, my hand curled into a fist.

"You could've. I'm not saying you did, but I'm just making a point."

"Yellow, take an actual good look at her," interjected Blue. "Red is broken. Do you seriously think that she'd be able to pull off an act as genuine as this?"

Yellow shrugged, though clearly surprised at Blue's response. "Some people will surprise you."

"After knowing Red for so long, I don't think there's any more things about her that could surprise me," said the Commander. I was unbelievably thankful for him and Blue taking my side, because being accused of murdering your own best friend was one of the worst things ever.

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