31| revenge

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“We are all unique, and in that way, we are all the same.”

- girlofthetrees

31| revenge

It is a competition between us who can reach the other one faster. Oliver cups my cheeks with both of his palms and leans in as I pull him toward me. We meet in the middle.

I make a sound in surprise as our lips meet. It feels like kissing him for the first time again. A rush of electricity travels down my spine. I feel goosebumps.

Oliver holds me gently and rotates us, so my back is against the aisle as he’s kissing me.

“You could have just told me, you know,” I say, as we pull back to catch our breaths.

“Told you what?” Oliver asks breathlessly before pressing his lips on mine again.

“That you need another—mmh,” I get interrupted.

After he kisses my lips, he starts kissing down from the corner of them.

“I need another what?” Oliver kisses the hinge of my jaw. I breathe in. My body is heating up.

“Lesson. You need another lesson,” I whisper and try not to make any loud sound. We are in the library. Every word sounds like I’m announcing it.

“Mhm,” Oliver mumbles, kissing his way down the side of my neck.

“You know what?” I say as I run my fingers through his hair. “I think you have a neck fetish.”

Oliver is still kissing the side of my neck. He pauses and looks up at me. “A what?”

Honestly, I wonder if his brain is working at all right now. He doesn’t seem to get any of the words I’m saying.

“Neck fetish,” I have to repeat. Oliver shrugs and goes back kissing there again. He works on it, taking his time. I wonder what he is trying to do.

“No. Only when it’s you,” he mumbles. I grin, but soon my grin is wiped off my face.

Oliver Carlson really knows what he’s doing.

I can’t make any sounds here, but Oliver is making it really difficult for me.

A little sound leaves my throat. Oliver hisses.

Biting on my earlobe, he whispers, “Shh, we are in the library.”

Son of a—

I place my palms on his jaw and pull him upward as I attack him again. “Of course, we are.”

I have a little bit of trouble taking control because Oliver is taller than me. He gets the point and lifts me, grabbing my waist.

This is better.

As we pull apart again, I glare at him. “You ruined my studying.”

“If I remember correctly, I found you looking at me,” Oliver replies. There is it, the little line of flush over his cheeks.

I touch it with my thumbs. “You started it.”

“And you are complaining so much,” Oliver says and rolls his eyes.

We clash again. This time, Oliver doesn’t let me do anything. I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist as he kisses me like I’m the only girl he has ever kissed.

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