Chapter 8: Hard Truths

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On the first night of travelling, Leon can't sleep. He's used to the bump of the carriage, but he's distracted.

Hop's angry at him. He's curled up against Sonia's side now, fast asleep, but he hasn't spoken to Leon all day, and honestly, Leon can hardly blame him. Being fourteen, taken from your friends and everyone you know, to go on a journey that you didn't want or ask for.

Leon looks out the window and watches as the landscape goes by.

Maybe I'm just a bad person , Leon thinks. Part of him wants to argue that maybe he could have- should have, just gone on his own. Maybe he's just a dog, following orders, not thinking about anyone but himself.

But dogs are better than that.

Leon lets out a shuddering sigh. Flicker's tail dangles from where he sleeps atop the carriage, illuminating them in a warm light, which only makes it harder for Leon to fall asleep. It shines especially bright off the metallic coat of Duraludon's body from where he sits, propped up against one of the walls.

For being made of metal, the dragon Pokemon isn't very heavy- lighter than Raihan, actually.

Leon spies movement across from him out of the corner of his eye, and a moment later, a soft groan follows. Leon can't help but smile as he turns to regard Raihan, curled up in a corner in a way that's sure to make him sore in the morning. The warm light casts deep shadows across his cheekbones. Leon hums quietly.
"Sorry," he whispers, "Flick's tail's hanging down."

Raihan lets out a yawn, mouth opening wide, and Leon takes a moment to admire his prominent canines. Some folks think they made Raihan seem intimidating. Leon just thinks they're cute. He reaches his arms above his head and stretches, giving Leon even more to look at as this pulls his shirt up and exposes his midriff.

Leon is really lost in his best friend, isn't he?

"It's fine," Raihan murmurs. He says nothing for a moment, and Leon thinks he might just try to fall back asleep, but to his surprise, Raihan shifts closer to him. He rests his hand on Leon's, and Leon has to do his best not to flinch away from the contact.

"I wanted to say that I'm sorry for snapping at you the other day. I was scared."

Leon blinks at Raihan. He wants to forgive him right away. It makes sense, really. Anyone would be adverse to what Leon had proposed. But Leon's scared of being hurt again. He can't take another blow, not from Raihan. Regardless, he shoots him a guarded smile.

"It's okay. You're here now."

"And you aren't angry?" Raihan's voice is soft, and when he meets Leon's eyes, he can see what he thinks is genuine care there. Leon looks away.

"I'm not angry, no."

He isn't. Just sad, lonely, confused. He bites his lip lightly, then smiles as wide as he can. Raihan smiles in return. His smiles were never like Leon's wide, toothy ones. His smiles are soft, always combined with an extraordinary warmth in his eyes. Raihan has the most expressive eyes, just like-

Just like Basil had.

Leon slips his hand out from under Raihan's and pulls a blanket up to his chin. "I'm knackered. We ought' to get some sleep. Long day tomorrow."

Flicker's tail vanishes from the side of the carriage. No doubt he got cold and brought his flame closer for warmth. In the new darkness, Leon can see only the faint outline of Raihan's tall, lanky figure.

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