chapter seven

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(AN) thank you sm for 30 reads! I know that might not seem like a lot but I love that people are reading my story! moving on...

Thomas sighed. "Not much, except for the looming fact that we're stuck in a box with only boys and sunny weather. Minho looked at him for a second. Thomas thought he would scold him for being depressing. Instead, he burst out laughing. "Ya know, you're pretty funny. I like you kid."

"Same," a muffled voice came from the other side of the table. Newt had been quiet the whole time. Thomas looked to see him chugging a glass of water. The kid had an appetite. That reminded Thomas to take a bite of his burrito. 

"So, Tommy, did you find a job you liked yet?" Newt asked as he finished his water. Thomas looked his way. "I actually didn't try any yet." Minho frowned. "Really? These slintheads better hurry up." "Do you have a job you think you're gonna like?" "Uh, I like the runners." While Newt and Thomas were conversing, Minho was looking between the two with an amused look on his face. 

"What?" The two said in unison.

"Nothing." Minho said with a face that said it wasn't nothing. "C'mon mate, spit it out." Thomas wondered what it was as Minho shook his head, then waved his hand to dismiss it. But Newt wouldn't give up. 

Newt's hazel eyes stared into Minho's dark ones, threatening him. Thomas didn't know what Newt would do, but it didn't sound good. Newt glanced at Thomas for a second, then back to Minho, as if saying to help him out. 

"How bad can it be, man?" Thomas blurted out to no one in particular. 

"If I know this slinthead, it isn't nothing." Newt said carefully, his eyes trained on the taller boy.

"Fine, I'll say it." Minho finally said hesitantly, looking between the two of them. Then, to their horror, he stood.

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