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Nagito's Point of View

Warning: I discuss frontotemporal dementia in this chapter. I did do research on this, but if you do find that my information is faulty please DM me. Here is the website I used if you would like to do your own research:


I also discuss a few sensitive topics that may trigger you. Such as sexual harassment, abuse, and certain thoughts that can be deemed one-sided or overall really messed up. If these make you uncomfortable, you can skip this chapter (I don't want anyone to feel obliged to need this for the story), so I will give a brief summary at the start of the next chapter about Nagito's past (It will not be explicit). Also, I'm sorry that the title is so sucky.

Hinata-Kun... Wanted to know more about me? Someone in the same body as the ultimate talent wanted to know more about me, a trashy skank who doesn't deserve to have words spoken to me. On the other hand, maybe he would use this to bully me. Hinata is definitely still a man of mystery to me, but before I could even stop myself, words began flowing out of my mouth like a river.

"The only reason I am here is because of my old friend Nanami. I can even remember her looking at me with her kind eyes as she choked out, 'Nagito, really, you need to at least get tested. If I lose you to a disease of some sort... I don't think I would be able to go on,' Nanami slowly began tearing up. She was the only person in my life that didn't hate me. I was honestly surprised. Ever since my temporary expulsion from Hope's Peak,"

"Wait... WHAT? You got suspended?" Hinata called out. Almost as a reflex, I covered the Burnett's mouth with my hand, obviously surprising him. The whole world didn't need to know that someone as awful as me got rejected. It would just confirm all of their dastardly assumptions about me.

"Yes, Hajime now shut up. You may not believe this, but at the time I had lost a lot of the people that I cared for. Looking back, it's pretty obvious that any feelings I had weren't reciprocated.

Over the course of last year, I had changed a lot as a person. One minute I would be this shy and cowardly boy, and the next I would be this heartless beast. My mood had become much more swung, and I seemed to lack any sort of empathy. On top of that, I seemed to act more as if I had no sleep, even when getting a good 7 hours. I remember about 3 months ago I was speaking to my friend, Akane. She and I were having a petty argument over what food is better. I had made my claim that no meat cold compare to a creme brulee-.

"Komaeda-San, what is a creme brulee?"

I looked at him with a confused expression resting on my face. I thought it had become a lot more popular, but I guess I was wrong. "A creme brulee is this dessert with a creme base topped with flamed sugar, and also berries depending where it is from."

"That sounds... Delicious..." He seemed very hesitant in the way he decided to go about answering, obviously trying to get away by masking disgust with faked joy. Classic 'cool boy' move."Maybe one day we can go try it. I promise it is better than it sounds," I answered, hoping to maybe convince him of the truth. Giving him... Hope. Hope for even the smallest things was amazing, but that is mere child's play compared to Izuru.

"Anyways," I continued, "Akane had made an opposing claim that meat was the superior food. We went on and on until... well, I snapped. I went from laughing and calling her a moron to flat out cussing her out. I brought up events from her past that caused her to tear up. I kept on insulting her and laughing until I-I-I passed out. When I awoke, Nanami was the only one there. While I was speaking with her, I asked if anyone else had come. That was when her eyes had darkened a shade. She looked away as she told me, in the most pained voice I had ever heard.

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