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Nagito's Point of View:

I sat on my squeaky bed, just waiting there. Searching through my mind was like looking through a highschoolers backpack. My mind was a fluttering mess: Filled with memories, ideas, and even voices by people I don't think I even knew. It was upsetting to know that one day I would most likely be forgotten.

That didn't stop me from still having glimpses of people though. That one boy from earlier, for example, was all but a whisp in my mind. I could still remember small things about him: Like his spikey chestnut brown hair and his olive-green eyes. I was also able to remember some less than appealing things: His role at Hope's Peak, for one, was burned in my mind. He was just a reserve course, a nobody, a talentless waste of air. This boy was one of the first people that I was able to remember this much about. I remembered he was here for split personality disorder. One half is just some loser, and his other half is perfection personified. Someone I dreamed to be next to till the end of time.

I got off of my bed with these thoughts still bouncing around my head and sat down at the little desk near my bed. There wasn't a lot on the desk, just some black and blue pens and a notebook filled with my writing.

Ever since I had been transferred to this prison of a 'home,' the doctors had noticed the problem with my memory. For a really long time, I would be asking again and again for names. It had even gotten to the point where doing it became a sense of deja vu.

At some point, one of my doctors had come in and had given me my notebook. He had sat down with me and written down everything we said like a book. Near the end of the meet, he gave me the notebook and told me to write every day about what went on on important days, as well as the names of my doctors and patients I knew with small little descriptions. This day was engraved in my mind. For weeks I read and reread this entry with a passion. This entry had gotten me on the track to slowly recovering my memory.




The journal entry (3rd person written by Rantaro Amami)

"Good morning Komaeda-San," Amami-Kun says as he turns the corner into the room. Amami is the head doctor. He also is one of the biggest players. No one knows exactly why, but he is considered eerily hot. With his light green hair and his matching eyes. No one understood how someone so adorable could be hot at the same time, but he just was.

Anyway, Komaeda looks up surprised, almost immediately looking over well hiding something in his desk. "W-who are you!" Komaeda stammered as he ran to grab something to defend himself with. Amami gave a small laugh as he sat on his patient's bed. "Don't worry Komaeda, I'm just here to give you a gift"

A-A gift... But I barely know you Amami-Kun... We are mere strangers." Komaeda looks over at Amami, whose laughing seemed to have increased tenfold. "We aren't strangers dude, I've checked in on you once a week for the last month or so now, how do you not remember me? You just did last week." Komaeda let out a small chuckle, "Sorry, my dementia really has been getting to me I guess, but I never knew I could forget a person." Amami laughs and hands the rectangular box to Komaeda, "That's why I and the other doctors got you this!"

Komaeda takes the red box with the gold ribbon and slowly begins to unwrap the rough paper on it. The paper unravels to show a metallic green notebook. It was an exceptional look: With its hundreds of pages of lined paper, and the loose metallic rings on the edge of the book.

"Why did you get me this? I haven't forgotten that many people, have I?" Komaeda looked at him with this undeniable hope that he wasn't having as many problems as he thought. The green-haired boy sighs and makes eye contact with Komaeda, "Well, you forgot me Komaeda, and you seem to forget a lot of the paths you take daily. That's not good... We thought that the notebook would help you. I also convinced them to get you... This!" Amami holds out a box filled with a bunch of colored gel pens. Komaeda looked at the pens with utter delight, "These are amazing! Thank you so much!" The two boys pulled one another into an embrace.

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