Big Sister

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Madine was so excited she barely enjoyed the party for Mrs. Trangia. Of course, she said her congratulations, took pictures with her friends and favorite teacher, and so on. But her mind – her superbrain, as grandma used to say – was focused on other things, too.

Like her new brother. She couldn't wait to meet him!

True, she was shocked to find out that her father had been cloned, apparently by his enemies, and that demanded further investigation, but the boy chose to be a hero. He helped the others and fled Cadmus, and that meant... That she was a big sister now.

It was like a Christmas morning.

Her best friend, Loremae, noticed her distraction, of course.

"What are you so excited about?"

She was eager to tell, but didn't know for sure what kind of story her dad was going to concoct to explain Superboy – who also needed a human name, now that she thought about it – and Eunice didn't know about her. That she was a half-kryptonian, that is.

"Oh, I'm just with some extra energy today."

That usually did the trick, and it wasn't different this time. Loremae let the subject go, and they continued their boring chat about some school work. She was really thinking about how to welcome her new brother home, not algebra.

She had to go somewhere private so she could scream properly when her father called her at lunch time to say he was bringing Superboy home later. Since then, she couldn't, for the life of her, think about something else. She didn't want to, either.

At last, three o'clock came, and she said goodbye to her friends and went straight to her favorite bakery, trying to decide what would be the perfect 'welcome home' cake. She settled for a large one made of vanilla and chocolate, decorated with more chocolate. She loved, and was pretty sure her new brother would, too.

She went home with a bounce on her step, humming happily as she went. As soon as her feet crossed the front door of their three-bedroom apartment, she set the cake in the table and went for a change of clothes. Soon she was on some comfortable shorts and t-shirt, and grabbed a lot of paper, putting them together so she could make a big sign. With the paper all glued together, she picked some markers and started to draw and write on the sign, laid out in the floor of the living room.

It took her some time to figure it out what to say exactly, so it wouldn't be awkward, but finally she had a decent welcoming sign, and then she started to strap it on the hallway, right in view from who entered the door.

With that done, she went to check the fridge for some soda and other things they could need for the welcoming party. She could always go to the grocery shop nearby and buy something missing, but she wanted to be home when her father and Superboy arrived, so she didn't want to do things last minute and ending up not being there when they arrived.

When everything was done, she looked at the clock and let out a bored whine, seeing that it was still one hour until her father was out of work. And she was so excited! The wait would take forever...

Like a lightbulb, an idea popped into her mind, and she took the supplies she needed and went straight to the guest room, starting to cleaning it up and making it her new brother's, a big smile on her lips all the time.


Recognized: Superman; 01. Superboy; B-04.

Realizing he had a register in the zeta tubes made Superboy feel... good. He didn't know exactly why.

They got out in some alley in what looked like Metropolis, and after a quick glance to the sidewalks, Superman turned to look at him.

"So, we can't just go to my place with me dressed like this." he said.

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