Schooled - Part 1

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A few weeks passed, and with them, came the Team's first real mission. Deployed by Batman and everything, where they had to figure it out what was happening on as island far away (or maybe not). It was supposed to be totally covert, but they ended up blowing their cover and had to put the bad guys down.

Of course, that earned them a very big scolding by Batman, but in the end, he congratulated them for a job well done. It made Conner realized Batman was teaching them how to work. It was a somewhat twisted way, but it was working.

After he got home, Clark was there, and they ate two large pizzas to celebrate. What was weird, however, was that Madine wasn't there. When Conner asked, Clark made a very tired face that he didn't understand.

"Madine is... On a field trip, so to speak."

Conner frowned.

"She went with a few friends to a little trip to meet one of the colleges she wants to apply to. They should be back tomorrow."

"I... didn't know that."

"She only told me yesterday, before going there. Since you were already at the Mountain getting debriefed on your mission..." Clark sighed. "I get the feeling she's not really handling this whole Team of yours well."

"Why?" Conner asked, suddenly feeling bad.

"Honestly, I don't know. But when she talked about that trip on the verge of it, I got the feeling she might not be exactly happy about it."

"I don't understand. She told me she didn't want to be a super hero. She wants to be a doctor." he repeated.

"That's what she keeps telling me." Clark agreed. "But I'm not sure anymore if it is what she really wants. And maybe she doesn't know either, that's why she's being awkward about it."

They kept the silence for a while, thinking about Madine, and then Clark got up.

"Well, whatever it is, I'll talk to her when she gets home tomorrow." he started cleaning up the table, and Conner helped.

They didn't talked about Madine anymore that night, but Conner went to sleep with his sister in mind. What was going on with her?


Conner never knew what Clark and Madine talked exactly, because the next day, he was back at Mount Justice to train with Black Canary. It was going to be the first day of training since he got out of Cadmus' labs. He was very excited about this. Clark also had promised to show up so he could watch, and he was a little eager to show his father what he could do with the powers he had.

Canary was showing them basic moves, "to be sure they knew what they were doing", she said. They worked on their punches, evasive maneuvers and how to block and fall. Basic things that Conner realized he knew from Cadmus' education from very early in his life.

They were seeing Canary teach them how to beat a stronger enemy, using their strength against them, when the zeta tubes announced the arrival Conner had been waiting for.

Recognized: Superman; zero, one.

They automatically stopped the training to see the hero walking in with a small smile on his face.

"Oh, please... Don't stop for me. I just came to watch." He said, earning a smile from the team, Conner's being the biggest of them.

"You heard the big guy." Canary said, with a smile of her own. "Back to work!"

And that's what they did.


"So, what do you think?" Conner asked his father, as soon as they got out in the zeta tube next to their place in Metropolis.

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