All These Years

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Your hair's grown a little longer
Your arms look a little stronger
Your eyes just as I remember
Your smile's just a little softer

Lauren gritted her teeth and cringed in pain as her left knee felt like it was on fire. She fell down hard upon the wooden basketball court.

"Shit..."The green eyed winced, as she knew she wouldn't be playing for a while. She sat up and reached for her injury as the referee and other players from her WNBA team surrounded her.

After Lauren said she was okay, some of her teammates helped her up. The crowd in the stands cheered as the twenty six year old limped off the court with her arms draped around helping shoulders.

Lauren's dream of becoming a professional basketball player had come true, five years ago when she was offered a contract. The scouts loved what they saw and knew right away that the dark haired was a hot item. Now, she was one of the top players in the WNBA and was currently playing for the Sacramento Monarchs.

The basketball player settled herself in a padded lounge type chair in the locker room. To her left was a medium sized television for her to view the game.

"The new team doctor will be here in a few minutes." One of the assistant coaches told Laur.

"Yeah, yeah..." She  huffed hating not being able to play.

Another ten minutes passed by and her patience was wearring thin. The pain in her knee was still throbbing.

Where is that fucking doctor?

The door across the room finally opened.

"It's about..." Lauren started in an annoyed tone, but stopped when familiar brown eyes met hers.

"...time." The green eyed finished as her anger faded away.

The woman across the room was surprised as well and didn't move. Suddenly, the confident twenty five year old brunette felt like she was sixteen again.

It's's really her...She thought.

"Camila?" Lauren asked softly.

Just hearing Lauren's voice triggered an a pour of memories.

"Laur?" The brunette said walking slowly over to the injured player.

"You're the new doctor?" Lauren said with a slight smile.

Camila lifted up her medical bag and smiled shyly. "Yeah...that'd be me." She said setting her bag on the table next to where Lauren was laying.

The dark haired took a moment to look the brunette over. She definitely looked more mature and her facial features were the same only more beautiful than Lauren remembered.

Her hair was a little longer. Lauren could also tell that Camila's body wasn't of a little girl's anymore.

"It sure has been a long time." Lauren said admiring her.

Camila was busy setting up her kit and turned her head slightly to regard Lauren's comment.

Her gaze locked with those amazing green eyes.

Lauren's features were stronger as well. Her cheekbones seemed to be more defined and her muscle tone was better than ever.

The brunette quickly broke the gaze realizing she was staring. "Yeah..." She answered shaking her head slightly. "A long time..."

Camila came closer to the basketball player who was looking up at her in awe.

"You're a doctor..."Lauren said expressing how proud she was of her ex lover. "I knew you could do it."

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