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Once upon a time, in a land far from the rest, stood 4 kingdoms. The Clover kingdom is a mountainous region. It is bordered by two other kingdoms: the Diamond kingdom to the north and the Heart Kingdom to the south. The Spade Kingdom lies to the west across the strong magic region.

The Clover kingdom is divided into three regions: the outermost Forsaken Realm, the Common Realm, and the central Noble Realm. Those in the outermost region are the poorest and weakest and are looked down upon by those from the inner regions. Despite peasants being accepted into the Magic Knights, these prejudices follow them, even if they have large amounts of mana.

Deep in the Forsaken realm, many villages can be found. One village, in particular, stood out from the rest. Hage village, Hage is a small village on the outskirt of the Clover Kingdom. It is mostly undeveloped with several houses randomly located within a wide grassy plain. One of the notable landmarks within the village is the huge skeleton of a demon, which is located slightly outside of the village. A statue of the first wizard king, who defeated the demon, was placed on top of the demon's skull.


Dusk comes sooner than expected, the last of the sun's rays cosseted behind a soft grey cloud. A dense, ghostly fog enveloped Hage village. The piercing sound of wailing echoed in father Orsi Orfai's ears as he took a step outside of the decrepit, brick-wall foster church with a broom in hand. He swiftly took notice and advanced towards the three wicker bassinets ahead of him.

"Here we go again," he hummed, releasing a sigh in the process.

The pale crescent moon shone like a silvery claw in the night sky a minute after father Orfai had entered the church. He gestured his hand in a circling motion, a string of fire emitted from his finger, making its way to the fireplace, brightening the room as it made contact with the dry wood. He closed his palm before the fire disintegrated from his fingertips. The flames danced around and crackled, burning the dry wood. Father Orfai then turned his attention back to the infants.

"There, there...There you are," he spoke with a slight pause walking over to the trio. "Those three finally calmed down," he stretched, putting both of his hands on his lower back before letting out a sigh of relief. The grey-haired man towered over the sleeping orphans as he crouched down to get a better look. He stared at the two boys.

"Are they brothers... or perhaps twins?" he wondered, observing the two infants. One had ash-blonde-hair although, the other had hair the colour of a raven. "No, they're not." he sighed, pointing at the ravenette. "This one is rather calm, but this one..." he paused before pointing at the one with ash-blonde-hair. "Seems like he has a lot of spunk," he continued. "First of all, they don't look a thing alike," the old man raised an eyebrow, placing a hand on his chin before his eyes darted towards your direction.

His eyes widened at the sight of you, your [h/c] bangs sat gracefully on your face as the moonlight shone through the window. It made your long lashes glimmer underneath the semi-bright light. The moonlight made your fair [s/c] skin glow. "This one is is definitely the cutest," father Orfai smiled.

He gently pulled down a quarter of your blanket off of you to reveal a name that was written on your white long sleeve. "[Y/n]" he muttered, turning to the infant with black hair doing the same. "Hm?... Yuno," the old man paused for a moment, analyzing what the petite boy had beside him. It was what seemed to be a necklace. It had a silver chain with an oval-shaped sapphire pendant. There was a white cross located in the middle of the pendant, diamonds on each of the corners. He didn't really pay much attention to the detail.

"Let's see. The spunky one over here is-" he was interrupted by a small foot making contact with his face mid-sentence. He fell back followed by a slightly loud thud as he met the ground, putting a hand on his nose, as tears pricked at the corner of his silver eyes. A stream of red liquid ran down his face from his nose. The ash-blonde infant laughed uncontrollably, sprawling his miniature arms out.

"Hey! You're a bit too spunky..." the grey-haired man grumbled. He got up before furrowing his brows at the boy, gritting his teeth in the process. His facial expression soon melted away into a warm smile as he looked at the child giggling before him. "Asta, eh?"

"Right! You three don't need to worry about a thing anymore. Starting today, this is your new home...Asta, Yuno, and [Y/n]." He announced.


[A/n]: Okay so basically the point of chapter 0 is to introduce you and what your relation is to Yuno, Asta, and blah blah blah but yeah- it's not super important to the story but I added it anyway.

Also AHHH this is my first book, please don't judge if there are any grammar or spelling mistakes- but if there is any feel free to point it out so I can fix it haha. Lmfao I just pulled an all-nighter so I was first writing this at like 3 am

The chapters after this one are gonna be longer just saying anywho bye ya'll I hope you have an amazing day, see you in the next chapter!

word count: 932

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