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March... When firefly dandelion fluff starts to dance through the air. Once a year, all around the Clover kingdom, all of the 15-year-olds are gathered. An awarding ceremony is held, where they receive their own grimoires, which enhance their magical powers.

Second person pov:

You took a deep breath of fresh air before stepping into the mahogany doors of the grimoire tower, along with Yuno and Asta. A 3-leaf clover stood above your heads, letting broad daylight seep into the cylinder-shaped tower.

"Wow! A-Are all of these grimoires? Which one is mine?" Asta boomed.

The room was filled with murmurs and whispers as you scanned the room as fast as you could, trying to take it all in. Thousands upon thousands of grimoires in all different colours and sizes were stacked in neat rows and aligned back-to-back. They towered towards the tall ceiling, covering every inch of the shabby, old shelves. Each book held it's own world of wonders that were waiting to be discovered.

"Hey, look over there. Pathetic, isn't it? They shouldn't have to give grimoires to dregs like that. Although, that [h/c]-haired girl is pretty cute," a man with brown hair eyed the three of you. "You said it," the blondie beside him added. "Don't tell me they're actually planning on taking the Magic Knights' entrance exam, too. Only nobles born with immense magical power or ties to the royal family ever get in. Besides, I heard that shrimp can't even use magic!"

"Wow, then we need to take good care of him. He's like a national treasure since he's probably the only one in this whole kingdom who can't use magic," they laughed. You furrowed your brows, balling your fist, as you listened to their negative comments about Asta. You were trying your best to ignore them but, some part of you wanted to beat some sense into those bastards. Despite Asta not having any mana within him, almost nobody knew how hard he trained himself. Yuno took notice that you were getting irritated. He placed a hand on your back and started rubbing it softly. You simmered down shortly after.

"Welcome, young men and women. You all begin a new journey today. I wish you all faith, hope, and love," you heard a loud echo. You looked up to see someone dressed in a long brown robe, wearing a wizard hat, standing on a flying rug. The rug landed on what looked like a wooden cylinder-shaped stage. In front of his long-white-beard, levitated a sphere-shaped microphone.

"I am the master of this grimoire tower. We never had a wizard king from around this area, nor anyone who achieved greatness in the Magic Knights. I sincerely hope that one of you will become the wizard king someday." he announced. "No, really! Seriously!" the old man shouted before clearing his throat, continuing his speech. "Now it's time for the awarding...of the grimoires!"

Various grimoires glowed before they flew from the wooden shelves, finding their way to their rightful owners. All sorts of colours enveloped the room, making attendees shout in amazement. You looked around, seeing people hold their hands out. You did the same, awaiting your grimoire's arrival. A white grimoire with navy blue and gold print was floating your way. The grimoire glowed gold as it levitated over your hands.

Your eyes gleamed with excitement as the gold dissipated from the book, flopping onto your hand, landing on it's front.

"Ano, my grimoire's not coming," before you could turn it over, Asta's voice echoed across the room. He stood on one knee with his hands outstretched as if reaching for something, but nothing came. "Try again next year," the master of the grimoire tower cleared his throat.

"What?!" terror overtook the ash-blonde's face.

Pfft. Laughter enveloped the room. Attendees were taunting Asta. A frown crossed your face.

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