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A/N: This is a short story of only 10 parts. I know ya'll hate waiting for authors on this app to update stories, and sometimes they never do, so I posted this entire story in one go, so you can binge read it. You're welcome.

I would also like to highlight that this is a mature read including adult themes such as age gap, sex, drug use, murder, kidnapping and violence. So if you are underage or find these themes trigger please click off now.

Please don't be a silent reader. Comment and vote and let me know if you want more fucked up stories like this in the future.

Well without further ado, buckle up kids, shits about to get wild. Enjoy.


Kim Areum had been Yoongi's piano teacher ever since he was little. He had almost grown up with her in a way. He started learning at the age of 11 when she was just 15. He was her first student which meant a lot to Areum. She saw him more like a little brother than anything else. But Min Yoongi saw her in a very different light.

"Ok, so that just about does it for today" Areum concluded her one-on-one session with Yoongi at his house "I'll see you next Tuesday" she smiled brightly at the younger boy sitting next to her on the stool and he smiled back.

Areum collected her things and was about to head out the door before Mrs. Min stopped her "oh hey Areum I wanted to ask you something"

"Yeh, what's up?" She smiled cheerfully

"I know this is going to sound like an odd question but are you available to babysit next week?"

"Babysit? Who would I be babysitting?"

"Ok perhaps babysit isn't the right word, I mean like just stay here so that" she got closer and whispered "Yoongi isn't alone"


"I know he is 16 already and more than capable of taking care of himself. I just worry about leaving him alone for the week as me and Mr. Min are taking a short vacation"

"Oh I see, so you would just need me to stay here next week, that's all?"

"Yes. If you are ok with that. I would pay you double. It's just you have always been such a good babysitter for Yoongi in the past and he is certainly comfortable around you"

"I mean I don't see any problem with it. Does he know that you are hiring me to babysit him?"

"I haven't told him yet. I wanted to ask you first. He will probably get very embarrassed when I tell him but after he is past that I'm sure he would be excited for you to keep him company in this big empty house"

"You worry about him, don't you?"

"I do, you know he has virtually no friends at school, he is alone so often but I would hate for him to get lonely"

"I understand"

"So you'll do it?" She asked with a glimmer of hope in her eyes

"I would be happy to Mrs. Min, I hope Yoongi takes this well" Areum smiled looking forward to not only making some easy money but also spending time with him.

Yoongi and Areum had a lot of things in common, similar interests, similar music styles, similar opinions on most things. Over the time she has know him she has really enjoyed spending time with him even without teaching him piano.

Areum bowed goodbye to Mrs. Min and headed to her car. Mrs. Min closed the door and smiled in relief-

"What was that about?" Yoongi had his arms folded starting in the doorway of the piano room

"How much did you hear?" Mrs's Min asked nervously

"Just the part about 'I hope Yoongi takes this well', what should I be taking well mother?" He raised his eyebrow suspiciously

"Ok don't have one of your usually temper tantrums please"

"What is it?" He started to become irritated.

"Please Yoongi, I just didn't want you to be alone while me and your father are away for the week... so I asked her to stay here with you"

"You what?!?!? Mom do you know how embarrassing that is?!?!? You asked her to babysit me?!?! I am 16 mom!!!!!" Yoongi started to yell

"I thought you would like her company, you two always get on so well"

"Yes!!! Of course but YOU MAKE ME SOUND LIKE SUCH A CHILD!!! I AM NOT A CHILD MOM!" Yoongi stormed off upstairs and slammed his door chucking some items around in his room

"AGHH" Yoongi growled. This is not how I wanted us to spend our first week living together Areum, Yoongi thought to himself. This is not part of the plan. We are supposed to move in together after we have been dating for a while.

Yoongi ran his hands through his hair in frustration "how am I going to do this? This is too much pressure! I need to completely redesign my room" Yoongi spoke to himself looking around his room which still had some iron man posters up and some other childish comic books lying around.

Yoongi paced around his room putting things in a box to throw away. He didn't need any of this anymore. He was a man now. Areum's man, he had to show her that he could be her man.

Yoongi finished throwing half of the contents of his room into trash bags and boxes and reorganising everything.

He sighed as he looked around and walked over to his closet. He opened his closet and popped the little attic compartment in the ceiling of his closet. He hoisted himself up into the roof. He pulled on the dangling light switch and looked around the small space.

The small attic area was filled with pictures of Areum. Decorating his walls. Pictures of when she got home from work, pictures of her at the mall with her friends, pictures of her playing the piano, pictures of her sleeping. She sleeps so peacefully Yoongi thought admiring his pictures, he couldn't wait to watch her up close.

Other random items he had stolen from her room or car or things she had left behind laid in a box on the floor of the room. Yoongi opened the box and admired the random items, even a pair of her panties. God he loved her red lacy panties he loved to imagine her wearing it. Wearing it for him, and only him.

Yoongi had kept a close eye over the years ever since he decided he had to make her his. He made sure no boy got close with her. He couldn't have that. That would ruin his plans.

He picked up the red lacy panties and felt himself getting harder the more he thought about her. He palmed over the bulge growing in his sweatpants and a light moan escaped his lips as he thought about her pretty pink pussy wrapped around his cock.

"YOONGI!" Mrs. Min yelled up the stairs

"Fuck!" Yoongi muttered under his breath putting the panties away in the box and climbing out of his roof space that nobody knew about to go to see what his irritating mother wanted.


"Ok so I left the emergency numbers on the fridge and their is an envelope with cash in it on the counter for food or whatever you may need, ok?" Mrs. Min explained as her husband loaded the car with their baggage.

"Mrs. Min" Areum chuckled "you are only gone for a week, I'm sure me and yoongi will be fine" she reassured her.

"Ok, I know you will take good care of him" she nodded and gave Yoongi a peck on the cheek which he wiped off in disgust before she waved goodbye and headed out the door.

"I'm sorry about her" Yoongi said as Areum closed the door "I really don't need a babysitter, you know that" Yoongi smiled

Areum smiled back "of course I know haha. I'm just here to hang out with you and get paid for it. Seems like a win-win in my book"

"Y-you like hanging out with me?" Yoongi was a little shocked

"Of course I do silly" she ruffled his hair and headed into the kitchen "so what's on the menu for dinner tonight, pizza and a movie sound good to you?"

"Yeh. Sounds great" Yoongi smiled buzzing with happiness that she likes hanging out with him. The first part of his plan to get her to fall in love with him was going smoothly.

First Love (Min Yoongi ff) | 21+ | Yandere | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now