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Areum's head was pounding as she blinked open her eyes to the brightly lit room. She felt like she had been asleep for years. She had slept so hard that she needed another nap to recover from it. She was exhausted.

But her dazed state was soon replaced with panic as she tried to pull her arms, realising she was tied to something. She quickly looked around noticing she was in Yoongi's room tied to his bed.

She started to whimper and pull hard on the ropes to try and set herself free. The tugging and panicking woke up Yoongi who was napping on the lounge chair next to the bed.

"H-hey" he quickly shot over to her to stop her pulling "stop that, you will hurt yourself" he grabbed her arms and held them still

"Let me go Yoongi!" She cried out "you can't do this to me" she started to sob

"No, no, no. Please don't cry again. I hate seeing you cry" he tried wiping the tears from her eyes but she quickly moved her head frantically avoiding his touch

"Get away from me you murderer!" She cried out

"You think I wanted to kill him?" Yoongi retorted "it just happened, ok?"

"I can't, I can't believe you were capable of this Yoongi" she cried to herself

"I-I I'm not, I'm not the bad guy here. He is. Don't you see Areum? H-he was no good for you. He was ruining everything"

"How do you know if he was good for me or not? It's none of your business!"

"Areum he just wanted to use you. Use you for sex. You were just another whore to him. But to me. To me you are so much more. I could treat you way better than he ever could"

Areum looked at him in shock and disgust "I-is that was this is?? Y-you have some stupid crush on me? That's why you killed him? Cause you were jealous?!?"

"No, no. Of course not, I was doing it to protect you!"

"I think kang dae is not the one I need protection from" she looked at him in fear

"Areum I would never, NEVER hurt you. I just want to take care of you, I can give you a good life. Anything you want, I will get for you. Anything you need, name it and it's yours"

"Yoongi what I need is for you to untie me and let me go!"

"Areum you know I can't do that"

"W-what is your plan now?" She scoffed "to keep me locked up in here for the rest of my days, your slave?"

"No, no of course not"

"Your parents will be home in a few days, you are going to have to let me go sooner or later"

She had a point. Yoongi hadn't thought this all the way through. But he still had time. He was going to find a way. For them. For their future. He would find a way.

"Don't worry about that, I will make sure we can still be together, all of this will blow over"

"Have got lost your mind?!? All of this will not blow over! Certainly not to me! And believe it or not Yoongi I DON'T WANT TO BE WITH YOU!!" She shouted and starting to cry again tugging on the ropes in distress

"Y-you don't mean that. You will see. You will see that you are better off with me. I will prove it to you. I will be the best boyfriend you have ever had. You will see" held onto her arms again to stop her tugging

"Yoongi" she sobbed "you are delusional" she cried over the fact the kid she had once found so much comfort with is completely nuts and it terrified her, but also broke her heart. The innocent kid she once knew was now gone. "P-please Yoongi, just let me go, I won't tell anyone about this, I swear, I just want to go home" she wept

First Love (Min Yoongi ff) | 21+ | Yandere | ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon