Thank God Its Friday

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Almighty. Help us understand every step of our journey in this life. Let us bear good patience as we wait for our prayers to be answered and Your blessings to be revealed. Help us to always trust that Your timing is perfect and that You always work in our best interest! Aameen!


Friday, 5:20am

The melodious voice of the mu'adhin as he called the adhaan seeped through her ears stirring her back to reality from the world of dreams. She reached for her phone which she usually keeps atop The side table which was positioned next to her bed. Her hand however swung and sagged in the air indicating the obvious absence of the sideboard which made her fully aroused wondering if and when she had repositioned it.

It slowly dawned to her that she was not actually in her room. She had relocated to her mother's room in the middle of the night when she could no longer bear the eerie lightenings and thunderous sounds of the heaving rain. She sighed in dismay wondering when she would get over her rain phobia, if she would ever get over it.

She stretched and got into a sitting position, rubbing her eyes slowly with the back of her hand to wipe away the doziness that was still lingering there. She recited the dua taught by the prophet S.A.W to the person who wakes up from sleep.

Alhamdulillahillazi ahyaana ba'ada maa amaatana wa ilaihin-nushur

Her mother was seated on the prayer mat drawing her casbih, she wakes up by 4 am every day and performs the Tahajjud nawafil and only leaves her praying spot when she prays the salatul duha.

Salma admired her mother's taut devotion, she wished she could be like her. Although she also woke up in the late hours of the night to pray, but it was only occasional, when there was something she needed from the All Giver, like after a difficult paper during the exams and she knew that she was in danger of a carryover, or when Abba refused to allow her travel out of the state to attend a friend's wedding, or when she wanted him to buy a car for her, but it takes someone that has a good deal of piety like her mom to make it a daily routine.

She headed to the bathroom, performed ablution, and joined her mom on the prayer mat to wait for the iqamah, after performing the two units of the raka'atanul fajr nawafil.

"Mami ina kwana" (good morning Mami) she greeted her mom after they had prayed subhi. Hajiya Amina, a staunch looking woman who was in her fifties but looked as though she was forty, nodded her head in response to her daughter's greeting, she raised the casbih she was drawing to her signaling that she was in the middle of lazim and didn't want to get disrupted by talking. Salma nodded back in and resumed her morning Azkhar.

It took her about twenty minutes to finish with her supplications and Mami was still not done so she got up and headed straight to her room which is adjacent to Mami's to get ready for work.

Her phone lay on the side drawer where she had left it yesterday and did not bother to take it with her as she ran off to her supposed safety. She glanced at the wall clock in her room and the time read 6:00 am and she eyed her inviting bed, a sudden yawn escaping her mouth. Her inner voice suggested she took another round of a quick nap and convinced herself that it's only to wear off the drowsiness she still felt.

Thirty minutes only

She promised, and she woke up an hour and thirty minutes later.

"Subhanallah!" she exclaimed yanking the sheets and jumping out of the bed. She quickly got into the shower and took only a few minutes to wash off.

It was Friday, which means a formal free dress code day and she got dressed in brownish cream lace with a touch of dark green floral design. She does not bother about her appearance when going to work but she puts extra effort to look good on Fridays to go with the vibe of the day's barakah.

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