The Thin Thread

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We all have a past, we all made choices that maybe weren't the best ones. None of us are completely innocent, but we all get a fresh start every day to be a better person than we were yesterday.


"Where is she?!", Baba's thunderous voice echoed through, threatening to break the walls of the house. The worst was here, Salma thought quivering from the back of the kitchen door and still cladded in her hijab. She drew her knees to her jaw, as if that was going to shield her from her father's impending wrath as she sat on the floor behind the kitchen door chanting the same words over and over again

Innalillahi wa Inna ilayhi raji'un.

"Where is she?!", He yelled in a blaze of fury, She heard him open the door to her room with a full and furious force then banged it close when he didn't find her there. He then did the same to Mami's room and when he didn't see her, he stormed towards the kitchen,

"Where is she?!! He bombed in and she was not there, when he hurled around to leave, he saw her meekly sitting behind the door,

"You vicious creature", he growled, covering the distance between them in a swoop and jerking her up.

"Who are you?!, He shouted, shaking her vigorously, "What have you done to us? What have you done? Speak up!" He yelled, his eyes becoming redder from boiling with rage.

"Baba...., I didn't,...Baba..." Salma stammered, her voice and body shaking from fear of the sheer fury that was emanating from her father.

"Now I am going to ask you a single question and you are going to answer me with a Yes or a No," He growled, "Did you or did you not spent days in a Man's room?"

"Baba I swear to God it is not what you think" She finally managed to get some words out of her quivering mouth,

"Did you or did you not!" He asked, in a more dangerous tone,

"Baba I..."

"Did you or did you not" He roared and she answered frightfully,

"I did but...",

His palm came in contact with her cheek so hard that her head threatened to separate from her neck. Her face jarred to the side and she held her chin unable to look up her father's face and when she did, the sting on her face was nothing compared pain she felt at the sight of his face and she knew that the image was going to torment her for the rest of her life. Her toughened father had tears welled in his eyes, his lips trembled from a heartbreaking pain, and his features harbored anguish and regret, regret for bringing her into the world.

"You are not my daughter", He stated in a cold and agonized voice, "You can not be my daughter, I did not give birth to a slut" He yanked her by the arm and started towards the exit door, dragging her outside in forceful strides, "You days in this house are over, you no longer have a place here" He growled, as he continued to haul her outside.

"Baba please listen to me, it is not what you think, please let me explain" She cried, but Alhaji Ibrahim wasn't listening to any of it, she was already dead to him and he was taking her stinking corpse out of his house.  Malam isiya came to rescue her but the dead glare Alhaji Ibrahim shot at him made him step aside. He yanked open the gates and thrust her out.

My Fate In Good Faith.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum