21. A Fatal Mistake

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For the first time since the war Percy felt completely free as she moved as one with her blade, she was a hurricane of death and she would make these monsters pay for surviving a war that proved fatal for her best friend.
She felt pleasure and satisfaction as each monster she struck with Riptide exploded into a cloud of gold dust.

Percy was vaguely aware of others beside her, assisting her in her slaughter path.
When she got hit she barely felt it, the only thing that mattered was killing them all.

When she got hit and flung to the ground she just shook it off and gathered the water from the moisture in the air, creating deadly spikes that she flung down on them without hesitation.
She liked it.
She liked the rush that came with dodging the flying spears or jumping back quickly from the jaws of the nemean lion.
This is what she was good at.
What she was born for.


What the hell? So the chick wasn't lying when she said she was a monster expert. The title was a bit cheesy, but even Jason had to give her credit, she was a deadly fighter, each and every strike was aimed perfectly not one missing it's mark. Each and every stroke was filled with such a grace it seemed as though even gravity obeyed her will as she danced among the deadly fangs of the beasts.

He tried to think of a blades-master to compare her to, but his mind drew a blank. Even ra's al gul couldn't compete with her.
And if her skill as a warrior wasn't enough Jason watcher wide-eyed as she summoned gigantic spikes of water seemingly out of thin air.
Note to self; don't try to flirt with her...again.

Jason quickly shook himself out of his momentary awe-induced trance as he saw Leaguers begin to aid Riptide with their own deadly bronze weapons as well.
It's show time b*tches.

With a wide grin under his helmet he charged forward, his guns sounding like music to his ears as they hit their mark.
He watched in satisfaction as they exploded into gold-dust before his eyes.

The battle became a blur as he continued to pull the trigger on his guns. He knew he sounded crazy as he chuckled each and every time the monster before him exploded into a cloud of dust.
Slowly he noticed there were beginning to be less and less monsters, however the smile never left his face.
It was fun.
And that was where he made his mistake.

Jason turned around to see an overgrown mutt charging him so he smoothly pulled up his handguns, aiming right between it's eyes with ease.

Then the dark-haired man then understood why Diana had told him it would be best to use a sword instead.

When he pulled back his trigger the only sound that was heard was a small click.

He was out of  bullets.


A single cry rang out from the battlefield, at first Percy didn't hear it but then she did.
Fearful of what she would find she killed the empousa in front of her before turning to see who had let out the anguished cry. Her heart fell into her gut when she saw him. Jason.

A hellhound was hovering over him as he tried to free his arm from where the monster held it beneath its paw, it's jaws parted as it came down for the kill.
She surged forward even though she knew it would be too late.

No! This can't happen again. Gods, anyone.

In that moment she truly didn't know what happened. First there was the scent of the sea, then she was staring up into the blood red eyes of the Hellhound.
Without having to think she thrust Riptide deep into the chest of the beast, successfully reaching its heart.

She heard her brother gasp in relief as it turned to dust. Hurriedly she turned around to inspect Jason, thanking all the gods that he was mostly unharmed minus a broken wrist.
A pang went through her at the sight of him injured.

He could have died. If her father hadn't aided her he would be.
She was supposed to protect them, that was the only reason she was there.
Yet she has been too focused on the battle. Her eyes widened in horror.
She had enjoyed it.
The feeling of killing.

In that moment her thoughts turned to Tartarus and Akhlys and how she had almost killed the goddess of misery. Annabeth had been scared of her then, and she couldn't help but think she would be scared of her now.

"You okay ba- Riptide?" The sound of her brothers voice pulled her from her down-ward spiral, but all she could do was nod.
What am I becoming?

With a shake of her head she reached down and offered Jason a  hand, he accepted after a moments hesitation.
Smiling weakly up at him, she walked beside him as they strided towards the small group of heroes, as the last of the monsters had been killed.

Though as the different member of the league came and shook her hand thanking her for her aid, her thoughts never once drifted from the battle.
The question kept repeating in her mind.
What am I becoming?

Also I'm sorry for all those that love Superman and want him to have more appearances.
I honestly don't like the dude, I don't know why, so when he does show up he is most likely going to be a little prick.

Other than that what do you think of this chapter?

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