24. Second Chances

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"Perce what the fuck is he talking about?"
"That's what you're worried about Jason?! What the heck is he wearing?"
His sister ignored him and Dick and instead began to inspect the bleeding kid in front of her for injury, stopping only when she realized it was only minor cuts.
Although Jason wasn't paying attention to that.

His sister's cousin, the one she went to college with (if she actually went to said college) the one he shared a name with, was wearing Ancient Roman battle armour.

He had been around enough Amazonians to know that Jason(Grace) wasn't just playing dress up, and he didn't have to be a crime boss to know that the blood wasn't fake.

For probably the hundredth time Jason wondered what the hell his sister had gotten into as she barely batted an eye at her cousin's...appearance.
Maybe I should've asked her when I had the chance if she is a terrorist, then again what kind of terrorist wears ancient battle armour.
Welcome to Gotham baby.

"Percy we need to go...now.." Jason watched very obviously confused as other Jason disparately clung to his sister as he tried to catch his breath.
Did he fucking run here or something?

"Nico... Hazel... quest.. Pluto.... ambush.... Hord."
With just that cryptic broken sentence all the blood drained from Percy's face, before she quickly whipped around to stare at Bruce.

"Where's the backpack?"
The old man seemed to understand what she meant, giving her a sharp nod before running back into the house at full speed. Returning only seconds later with the backpack in hand that Percy had given him only a half an hour ago.
Without thought Bruce tossed it over to his sister.

She caught it with ease before roughly unzipping it and pulling out....
He couldn't stop the gasp that left his lips, nor the look of betrayal that he knew shown in his eyes as Percy pulled out a Corinthian helmet and breastplate.
The same helmet and breastplate that Riptide wore.

He looked over at his brothers seeing the same reaction from both Tim and Dick, although he wasn't surprised as neither Bruce nor demon spawn batted an eye.
They knew.
They knew and didn't tell me.

"Percy..? Percy what is this? You're an Amazonian?" He couldn't keep the hurt out of his voice as it cracked slightly.
And his sister paused in what she was doing, if only for a moment, before continuing to strap on the bronze breastplate. "No Jason... I'm a demigod. Like Diana."

Jason just stared at her with his mouth agape.

This time Tim spoke, "Why didn't you tell us? Where are you going?"

"I did it to protect you!" Jason took a step back as his sister yelled, her eyes wild and brimmed with tears.
"I wanted to. Believe me. I really did, but everyone that gets involved in my hectic life doesn't walk it off, they either come back different or not at all. And I couldn't loose you. Not like Sally or Annabeth." Percy shook her head before sadly smiling at them. "Not again."

With that she turned back to her cousin before mumbling a quick "I'm ready."
Before any of them could protest they both were launched into the air, the winds seemingly lifting them up.
Within a matter of seconds they were gone.

Jason was brought back to four months ago, standing on these same steps watching his sister leave and wondering if she would come back at all.
But this time it was different, this time he was wondering if the next time he saw her it would be face to face or with her in a body bag.

Before he could even think about what he was doing, Jason spun around on his heels and punched Bruce right in on the nose.
"I'll do more than that next time you decide to keep something to yourself about my sister." He knew Bruce had let Jason hit him, but he was too pissed to care.

With one final glare at Damian and Bruce he stomped his way into the manor, towards the cave in order to attempt to track Percy before she got killed.
Perce you better not die. I can't lose you, not again.


After nearly two hours of searching for his sister Jason had finally given up, and retreated back upstairs to pace by the large windows looking outside.
He was careful to avoid Bruce, as well as Damian. With every minute Jason was getting more and more anxious, and he wasn't sure he would be able to hold back if he saw them.

For the millionth time he glanced out the window, searching the sky frantically for any signs of his sister.
Be safe Perce.


It was nearly quarter past ten when he saw a figure walking up the driveway alone. It was too dark to tell who it was but without second thought he darted to the door.


Percy winced as she tripped on a loose stone and stumbled forward, jarring her tightly bandaged arm in the process.
She had already consumed as much ambrosia and nectar as she could, but the godly food and drink could only do so much against Hellhound jaws.

She found herself thankful for coach Hedge's insistence on learning to yield a blade in both hands and not just your dominant.
Percy knew very well that she wouldn't be holding a sword in her injured arm anytime soon. Even with the help of ambrosia and nectar.

She felt a single tear trail down her cheek as she remembered the panic that had coursed through her veins when Jason and her had arrived at the fight, thinking that Nico was dead as he laid slumped against a tree as Hazel and Frank fought in a blur around him.

She remembered the relief that washed over her when she found out he had only hit his head on a rock when falling during the fight.

Percy felt more tears falling down her face as she realized something.
They know. They know and they are going to hate me for it.

Before she could continue on her downward spiral someone wrapped her in a hug, causing her arm to flare up in fresh hot pain, but she ignored it.
The smell of cigarettes hit her nose, but for once it was was comforting. "J-Jason?"

"I'm here Perce I'm here." Slowly her brother began to rub her back in a comforting way, whispering small words of encouragement. However Percy roughly pushed him away, tears still running down her cheeks.

"Why..? Aren't you m-mad?"
Jason just stared at her for a minute before placing both hands on her shoulders and looking her dead in the eye. "Percy I'm just going to take a guess here and say you already know about...us. Right?" She nodded in reply.
"Well in all my years as Robin and Red-hood I've had me fair amount of ...surprises. From enemies, friends and family. I'd be like golden boy in there if I didn't expect my sister to have some crazy secret and then refused to see you again because of said secret... I'd be a Dick."

With a wide grin Jason motioned with his hand towards the manor. "Come on Perce let's head back inside."
She hesitated before shaking her head wiping her tears and taking a step back.

"I have somewhere I need to go first."

You guys have no idea how badly I wanted to be evil and just end it at different parts of this chapter.
But I just left you with a minor cliffhanger instead.
I'm so nice;)

{1} ✔︎ The other Todd (Percy JacksonxBatfam)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن