Chapter 4

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It was Tuesday morning, which meant I had to go to my new school. I really don't want to go. I had asked Amy if she knew anyone there, but she didn't. Now I am stuck going to school where two things could happen: 1, I make a fool of myself somehow and nobody wants to be my friend or, 2, I make friends with someone, which personally in my opinion is NOT likely to happen. I walked out to the table to where mum was having her morning cup of coffee and reading a magazine. "Mum," I said in my best, I-am-totally-sick-and-totally-not-faking-it-to-get-out-of-school voice. "I'm not feeling too good in the stomach."

"Well," Mum said, looking up from her magazine. "It is such a coincidence, isn't it that that sickness always seems to pop up on the first day of school and days you just don't want to go to school. So maybe you should go to school and if it gets really bad you can come home, ok?"

What?! I thought, how does she know that? It must be a mum thing. I sighed and went back up to my room to get changed. I was wearing the uniform which was a black long sleeved jacket with a read plaid skirt and black tights.


The school I was going to was called Shipwreck Bay school

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The school I was going to was called Shipwreck Bay school. I was put in Year 7. They LOVE naming stuff after the place. Legit every place is called, Shipwreck Bay something. It is kinda annoying.


When mum was driving into the school car park, I felt as though I was going to throw up. Jasper, Julian and Max all hoped out of the car. They weren't as nervous anything near like I was. They had had friends at our old school(even Max did). But I hadn't.

 "Lucy, time to hop out." Mum said to me. Whoops. "Don't worry, you'll be fine, and hopefully you will make some new friends." Mum said with a wink.

 Mum was the only one who knew about me not having any friends. The others just thought I didn't talk about them at all. I took a deep breath and hoped out of the car. I walked over to the admin block so I could be pointed in the right direction for my first class (even then, the only reason I knew where it was, was because ADMIN BUILDING was spelled out in big letters on the front). When I walked in, a stern looking lady was sitting behind the desk, typing. 

"How can I help you?" The lady asked in a bored, flat tone, not even bothering to looking up. 

"Umm, I'm Lucy, and I was-,"

The lady cut me off, "You're looking for your first class, aren't you?" 

Uhh...." This lady is really nerve wracking, "yeah,"

"Luckily for you, there is another Year Seven girl here that has the same classes as you and can show you around." They lady said before sighing and yelling, "JASMINE!" Without looking up still.

 A girl about my age walked out from a different room, wearing the dark version of the girls uniform, her midnight black hair was in a messy ponytail and as she came closer, I realised there was a dark blue streak in her hair and her nails were painted dark purple. She kinda looked like she was a perfect popular, but at the same time she didn't. 

"Hi," the girl apparently called Jasmine said to me chirpily. 

"Uh, hi," I said with a shy wave.

"Jasmine, I need you to show Lucy, where all her classes are." The lady said, only looking up briefly before going back to typing. So her neck can look up from the computer, I thought sarcastically.

"No problem!" Jasmine replied before she motioned me to follow her out the admin block with her.


 When we were walking to our first class, Jasmine talked about what all the teachers were like, she pointed out some of our other classrooms, she told me all the rules that Principal Dexter, had set and all that type of stuff. While she was still talking, I spotted a group of girls standing around. Some were applying lip gloss, others were on their phones, and a couple were whispering among each other and giving me dirty looks.

"Who are they?" I asked Jasmine.

"Who is who?" Jasmine asked, confused about who I was talking about.

"Those girls over there," I said with a jerk of my head in their direction. 

"Oh," Jasmine said, finally understanding. "Those are the populars." She replied with her voice full of disgust.

"Ok, now I know who to steer clear of," 

"Oh yeah, they can be rude when they want to be." Jasmine said. "But lucky I can be worse."

We both started laughing which earned us some weird looks. Jasmine and I didn't care though. 


Everyone's first class is home room. It's just people hanging around and talking. Unfortunately the populars are in our PC to. Jasmine introduced me to one of her many friends, Ava. Ava is really friendly. After meeting a lot more people, I glanced across the room to where the populars and the 'cute guys' were. My eyes landed on the same two boys from the beach that had been laughing at me. Jasmine followed my gaze and said,

"That's Nicholas, but everyone calls him Nick, and Felix," While pointing at each boy in turn.

 Unfortunately, the boys noticed Jasmine pointing at them, so they excused themselves from their group and walked over to us. The populars followed them with their eyes and started glaring daggers at us when they stopped in front of us.

"What do you want?" Jasmine asked them with a massive eye roll that was impossible to miss.

"Oh nothing much," Nick responded, with a smirk, ignoring Jasmine's eye roll. "I just wanted to know the name of the girl that can barely surf a wave without falling off," Both of the boys snickered.

"My name is Lucy, leave us alone." I said, staring directly at both of them.

Both the boys looked taken aback that I said that to them. And then, the whole class decided to go,


And with that, Felix and Nick practically waltzed back to their friends, trying to keep their head high after being totally embarrassed in front of everyone.

"Why did the whole class go oooo?" I whispered to Jasmine. 

"Well the whole class did that is cause nobody has ever said that to Nick and Felix before. So it is kinda a big deal. Especially since your the new kid."

"Okay, good point." I said, dragging out the ok.

Jasmine and I went back to talking with the other new people I had met. I had a warm, happy feeling in my stomach. I was finally making friends.

Hey everyone! 1230 WORDS!!!!!!

 I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and I hope that you and your families are all safe and well. It might take me a bit longer to update. Thanks!

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