CHAPTER 15~ the wrong choice

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  when i woke up, eric was still asleep. i got up and went to the bag we brought. i dug to the bottom were i had hid my cell phone mary had givin me. eric didnt know i had took it with me. i grabbed it and went into the hallway. there were fifteen missed calls and fifty nine texts. mary had  called and texted. wondering where we were, if we were ok, if we had money and if we were coming home. i sighed. i wanted to call her and let her know we were ok. i wanted to go home!  i hated the idea of running. but i couldnt be seperated from eric. maybe if we could talk to my aunt. . . . maybe she would let us stay.

  i dialed her number i had put into my phone. it rang three times before a small voice answered on the other end.

 "Hello?" the voice said.

  "Hi. im ellla. i am your niece. i was told i was to come live with you...."

"Oh my gosh! where are you! Mary said you had ran away! are you ok?" she sounded very worried and nice.

  "Yes. im fine. im with my boyfriend eric. please aunt. i have to stay here. i cant leave eric. im in love with him. i cant just leave him. can i please stay with eric?"

  "Well . . . i dont know . . ."

  "Please? i will be internally greatful. please!" i begged.

  "Well . . . ok. fine but go Home at once."

  "Oh thank you! thank you so much!"

  "Your welcoome. goodbye bella."

  "Bye." i snapped the phone shut and ran into the room and jumped on eric.

  "Eric eric eric! we can go home! i dont have to go to londan! eric i get to stay with you and mary!" i yelled.

 "What? how do you know that?"

 "I had my cell phone with me and i called my aunt. i begged her to let me stay with you. she said ok!"

 "Well thats wonderful! lets get a move on then!"

we got up and ran to get everything. i couldnt waite to get home.

************************************Two days later. just arrived at home again**************************

when we arrived home, it took another two days to get there, i was so relived. it seemed so easy to just call and be able to stay. which is the only bad thing. something was not right.

 mary was at the door immedietly.

"Bella! Eric! i was so worried about you two! oh my! you guys look thinner!"

 i giggled. "Mary. we were gone four days. we are not thinner."

 "Well . . . anyways . . . please! come in and eat!"

 we nodded and came in. we sat at the table and ate things that mary had practically thrown at us. we ate, caught up and just B.S.ed for a wile. then there was a knock at the front door.

 "Hello? is Isabella Carter preasent?" a male voice asked.

  OH NO!

"Yes. why?" mary said.

  two men burst threw the door and came to me.

  "Bella Carter. you are to come to londan and live with your aunt." they grabbed me by the arms.

"NO!" eric and i both yelled.

"ERIC!" i screamed. "Let me go! dont take me away from him! i love him! hes my life! you cant seperate us!"

 "Shut up." they said as the put me into a car and locked it.

 i started to cry. i was dying inside. i should have not taken the phone.

  the car peed off and eric started to run after us. he was to the car soon, him being imortal and all. the car tiped a little and knocked eric off.


I curled into a little ball and waited to be took into a whole new version of hell. one worse than my abuse. i would take that with a smile now, if i could be with Eric.

  i cried myself to sleep and dreamed of my love.

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