Jungle Boy & Marko almost got caught..

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Jungle Boy and Marko heard the doorknob jiggled to try to open the door.

When the door opened its was Luchasaurus. Luchasaurus says " Jungle Boy and Marko let's go! We got another match." Jungle Boy and Marko looked at each other and both of them said "Okay, we be there." Then Luchasaurus left the room and shuts the door.

Marko and Jungle Boy took a deep breath. Jungle Boy whispers to Marko's ear " that was a close one." Marko whispers to Jungle Boy's ear and said "Yeah, it was."

The Match Up

Meanwhile, Jungle Boy, Marko and Luchasaurus got ready for there match. Luchasaurus left the dressing room. Jungle Boy and Marko stared at each other for a quick second. Marko whispers "promise me you won't tell  anyone about our secret love interest." Jungle Boy nods and whispers "I promise with all of my heart babe." Marko places his hand against Jungle Boy's hand and they both smiles. Then Marko let's go of Jungle Boy's hand and says "Let's go and kick some butt." Jungle Boy giggles a bit then he said "Let's do this!" Marko smiles.

After The Match- (Backstage)

Jurassic Express won their match. Jungle Boy, Marko and Luchasaurus celebrate their victory.

Marko tugged Jungle Boy's hand and whispers to Jungle Boy's ear "Let's go somewhere else." Jungle Boy smiles and blushing in front of Marko and whispers to Marko's ear and said "of course."
So, Marko and Jungle Boy went to the other room and starting making out passionately again and Jungle Boy brought Marko closest to him and continues to make out and enjoying each other company.


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