chappie one: awake

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Still closed eyed, you let out a yawn and stretched out your limbs, flopping them down onto the soft covers of your bed. You wiped away the tears left from the tired yawn.


You closed your eyes again, taking in the last moments of your sleepy state. You nuzzled your face into your pillow and sighed heavily wishing that you could go back to sleep.


You sighed heavily and sat up. Grabbing your phone, you checked the time to see that it was early in the morning and today was your first day of high school. You pushed the covers away and walked to the bathroom where you did your business first and then continued to do your usual hygienic routine.

Summer had been over and it was time for a new cycle of school to begin. This was high school, these next few years of your life were important as it was the next stage in becoming a teenager, besides puberty. Apart of you was excited because getting to do all the important things like joining a club or looking at different colleges to go to, but you were also dreading it. The downsides to high school was staying up late to finished assignments you procrastinated on or were too busy to work on, losing friends, breakups, and all of that stuff you've seen in movies.

But at least you only ever worried about those two first things. Breakups in middle school weren't that big of a deal. You were currently more focused on discovering who you were and wanting to at least find something you want to do in life. Maybe you will have relationships, but it would have to be someone you were actually interested in and could be around.

Done with looking somewhat presentable, you grabbed your bookbag and headed out the door.

"Bye, Precious Beast!" You heard from your father as he typed away on his laptop. He loved, spoiled, and irritated you, too much sometimes, but nonetheless he was a good father. He was a stubborn mule sometimes, but you amusingly reminded yourself that he was getting old. Your mother tolerated him for the most part, but she was lucky she worked throughout the day.


You lazily turned your head to see none other than Reita Toritsuka, a self-proclaimed Medium that had the ability to see and communicate with spirits. He enrolled in P.K Academy for whatever reason and tried to attract the attention of the whole female population, but was always unfortunate because of his perverted ways. You being a survivor of endless pickup lines, decided to befriend the boy.

"Hi Reita." You nodded in acknowledge.

"Ah, you're looking so rad-"

"Do you have cookies?" Reita blinked when your tired yet wonderful (color) eyes met his own calm purple ones. He utterly adored your sleepy like state, occasionally thinking of a sloth. The male reached into his bag and passed you a bag of the wanted snack.

Your eyes brightened in awe, hugging the bag to your chest and humming in delight. Reita chuckled at your reaction and couldn't help but blush, placing his palm in your hair and patted the back of your head. Because you were too busy focused on the delicious piece of heaven, you didn't smack his hand away.

"You know, you remind me of someone." He said. Reita closed his eyes, thinking of a friend and reopened his eyes with a beat of sweat on his temple, "Except it's not as cute when he threatens others the way you do it."

"Who?" You asked, with one side of your cheek stuffed like a chipmunk.

Reita again felt the unnerving feeling in his body. He was told and threatened by this certain friend not to talk about them. And this friend made it very clear not go and spread any information regarding them. Who knows where he could be. Reita gulped at the memory of that sharp roll of toilet paper, but was brought of his traumatic experience when a small tug on his sleeve caught his attention.

"Is this friend some sort of secret?" You asked. Your eyes narrowed for a minute, noticing the fear in his eyes. "Are they hurting you?"

He immediately shook his head, "No, not at all! He's just not really the type of person that wants others to know who he is or be around others."

"Oh." You replied, not adding anymore to the conversation. Part of you was concerned about the way Reita had acted when he was reminded of his friend. But then again, Reita being the perverted boy he was would no doubt make any enemies.

"You know, Yona." Reita smiled once recieving your attention, "I think the two of you would get along."

"Not really if you say he doesn't like being around people. I'm not going to be around someone who obviously has no interest in others and rather keep to themselves." You take another bite of the cookie and smile at how much joy they gave you. Your expression faltered a bit when you saw Reita staring at you.

"What?" You glanced at the bag in your hand and brought it to his face, "Do you want some?"

"How nice, to offer me something that I bought instead of the latest bikini issue." He faked sadness.

"Well thank you for choosing not to make me starve instead of big boobs." You grin.

"Big or small, boobs are boobs." He shrugged with a subtle blush, his eyes shifting over to you with a flirtatious smile, "But don't worry, I'll always prefer your thighs over boobs any day."

You almost spat out the cookie you had but into and punched Reita with a flustered frown. He was so stupid sometimes. "Boke, one day you're not going to be able to have children."

"Aw, Yona-chan don't be embarrassed, your thighs are the most precious thing in the world." He cooed, reaching out to hug you, but you repeatedly punched his arm, much to the male's amusement.

This playful banter lasted until you both reached the gates of the school, greeting the gym teacher, Mr.Matsuzaki. The man was a great teacher, but his loud voice sometimes gave you a headache. Much like Haido, a boy with a fiery and passionate strive to be the best.

"Hey, Toritsuka, Lin!" Speaking of which, the mentioned male waved to the boy of you as he jogged into the school. You smiled at him, slightly wishing to have the energy that he had. This wasn't crackhead energy, this was full-on bad-bitch-can't-kill-me-eye-of-the-tiger energy.

Like him, there were other odd indiviuals that you had seen sometimes during your time with Toritsuka.

"Oh wow, look there she is!" Toritsuka blushed, staring dreamily into someone's direction.

You followed his gaze to the bright shining light that illuminated a beautiful girl. Ah yes, the kind-hearted and sweet, Kokomi Teruhashi. A national treasure of P.K Academy that all had appreciated greatly. With her silky blue locks that matched her diamond colored eyes, to her fair skin and gentle voice.

"Oh wow." Said a male student.

"Good morning!" She smiled, earning many whispers of awe and admiration.

You covered your mouth, stifling a giggle at how many of the boys were piled up against the windows of the classroom and the one beside you grinning like an idiot. Upon crossing ways with Teruhashi, you smiled back at her, mentally smirking to yourself at how easily it would be for her to rule this entire earth with a single word. You somewhat liked the girl and maybe if she did rule the world one day--

"Hey, what are you thinking about?" Toritsuka poked your cheek.

"Nothing." You cleared away the sadistic thoughts, thinking of your upcoming class now. "Nothing at all." You continued walking with the confused male, passing everyone normally.

All the while, as you passed your peers, you had briefly locked eyes with someone whose eyes remained unclear of emotion. It was only a mere second, but the stranger had seen a peek into your mind before the thought had completely vanished and you were gone from his sights.

The stranger put a finger to his chin and narrowed his eyes. Yare yare

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