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"Hey I have to go somewhere. I don't know when I'll be back" Hyunjin said. He was in a white polo shirt and a black skinny jeans His shirt was halfly buttoned while his hair was messy he also carried a black clothing

Why am I checking him out?

"Yeah... bye" You coldly said. You can't speak properly to him because of the incident earlier

He stared at me for a while while I just pretended to read the book

Stop staring!

He suddenly walked to you which made your heart race. As soon as he stopped beside you you looked at him

"W-What?" You asked trying your best to not stutter but obviously failed

He took your book and fliped it then placed it back to your hand

"Your book is upside down, idiot" he snickered and walked out leaving you embarrassed

"That jerk-!" You couldn't do anything but to scoff

Hyunjin's Pov
"We have arrived Young Master" Yanai said and I went out of the car. I was standing infront of the restaurant, I knew something was about to happen. This meeting was so sudden

I sighed and went inside the building. A worker greeted me

"Hello Mr. Hwang I was assigned to escort you into the private room where your parents are" he said while bowing

I only responded with a hum then he started escorting me to the room

They opened the doors of the room and I was greeted with a large table and the Park Family with the old hags (His parents LMAO)

I bowed at the park family and proceeded to walk to my chair. I sat down and the woman sitting beside me whispered at me through smiling teeth "You're late" Songyeon (His step mom's name is songyeon) said. I didn't bother to respond to her

"You've grown to be a fine young man hyunjin" Mrs. Park said while smiling. It has been a while since they saw me, ever since my father passed his title on to me when I was 18 we could rarely see each other.

"Thankyou" I bluntly said while no expression was plastered on my face, as usual the Park Family just smiled at me- they're used to me being cold to them. I started to eat even though they haven't started to eat their meals yet, I can feel the death glare from the old hag

"So, now that my son's here we can finally discuss the main reason of this meeting today" clearing his throat, the old man suggested to break the silence

"Yes, I bet Hyunjin would be delighted to hear about this fantastic news" Mr. Park joyfully said and glanced at his daughter "Hana is also very happy about this" he held his daughter's hand and they giggled to each other

What are they talking about?

I glanced at Hana, she shyly avoid my gaze and tucked a hair behind her ear. I've known her since I was a child since the Park family would often come visit at the mansion when I was younger. She was so annoying, always clinging on to me like a piece of dirt- or a piece of shit.

I never actually considered her as my friend but I know she considers me as her childhood best friend. I didn't bother to tell her what she is to me because she's irrelevant

"Does hyunjin know about it already?" Mr. Park asked and I raised my eyebrows at them "I guess he doesn't yet" He added when he saw my confused face

" and Hana are getting married!" Mrs. Park joyfully said while clasping her hands together observing my reaction

I was stunned by what she said. It took a moment of silence before I could process what was happening

"What?" was all that I could utter as my face slowly darkens as I slowly realized the situation I'm in

I poked my tongue in my cheeks while I placed down the fork and knife I was holding. I adverted my gaze elsewhere and leaned in my chair, pulling the tie I had to breath

"Is that a joke?" My father glared at me, this time he didn't try to hide it that he was very vexed about my attitude

"Hyunjin don't be like that. We know you feel something for Hana-" Songyeon said happily and I slammed the table with my balled hands

"You don't know shit" I stared angrily at her eyes. My eyebrows were not furrowed but they can clearly know I'm angry

"Hyunjin" My father said in a warning tone. I looked at him and scoffed

"An arranged marriage huh? You never cared for me even once, why the sudden marriage old hag?" I said. My father lost it and he slammed the table as he stood up while songyeon tried to make him sit back down

"You ungrateful child!" He yelled and pointed at me, he was very furious that I can see smoke coming out from his head. I ignored his rising anger and looked at the Park Family

"I already have a son" the room went quiet and I laughed when I saw their expressions "Wow so even the old hag doesn't know about it? Mrs. Hwang why didn't you tell your husband?" I lazily looked at Songyeon while crossing my arms

"What kind of nonsense-!"

"And I'm living with the mother of my son. She's the one I'm going to marry" I said and picked the empty wine glass. They watched as I poured wine at my glass. I leaned back to my chair while holding the wine glass in my hands

I looked at them and grinned

"So don't arrange me to this shit" I said and took a sip on my wine before standing up and casually walking out of the room

I stopped with the door slightly open and turned back to them

"Oh and if you continue this arrange marriage I'll cut ties with you. Therefore all my shares to your company would all disappear even if it is the Park Family or wether my own Family" I smiled and exited the room

They opened the car doors for me and I went in the car. I leaned on the soft chair of the limo and unbuttoned all of buttons on my shirt

"How ridiculous" I said as I was thinking about what happened earlier

"Young Master, shall we go back?" Yanai asked and I looked at him through the rear view mirror

"Yeah... my son and y/n is waiting" I smiled

My original plan was actually to update tomorrow but I changed my mind so here you go!

Merry Christmas!🎄

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