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5 years later

"Mommy!" a voice called you and you looked at the little boy that was running to you, you greeted him with a huge smile on your face and lifted him up to the air and he laughed

"How was school sammie?" You teased him with his nickname and he pouted

"Mommy! I told you to not call me that!" He angrily said and you laughed at his cuteness, you looked over to your brother carrying sam's things

"Sam why don't you show mommy the star you got?" your brother said and sam's eyes light up he showed you his wrist which had a star on it

"Awww that's so very good of you sammie" you said still not stopping on the nicknames and his happy face turned into a angry cute face

"Don't call me that!!" He demanded and you laughed at him

"Sam head to your room your mommy and I have to talk about something" your brother said and sam obeyed him, you put him down and he went to his room

"What is it?" You asked him and he looked at you

"I have something to tell you" he said and it seemed a bit serious

"Yeah?" You gave him a weird look and he suddenly shouted which made you flinch in surprise

"I GOT A JOB!" he said and raised his hands high up to the air

I almost had an heart attack when he screamed

"Okay good" you simply said and he pouted at you

"That's all?" He asked and pouted

"What do you expect me to do? Scream to everyone that my brother finally got a job after being single without anyone to mingle for 26 years?" you sarcastically asked and he scoffed

"You're so nice you should go to heaven right now" he sarcastically said and you smiled at him

"Why thankyou"

He rolled his eyes at you and went to the couch to watch TV. For a few minute sam went out from his room and sat beside your brother while you were making lunch

"But wait what kind of job did you get?" You asked your brother

"Just a regular employee on a famous company, I might even get promoted to being a manager. But actually the pay of a regular employee is still pretty expensive which is good for us" he said and sam suddenly was filled with joy

"Does that mean you can buy me lots and lots of toys!?" He asked making your brother chuckled

"Sam we won't just buy toys we'll also buy foods and important things we need. What did I tell you?" You reminded him and he pouted

"Sometimes we need to avoid spending money on things that we don't need" he said with a sad voice and looked down

"Awh come on y/n don't be so strict on the little fella, don't worry sam I'll buy you lots and lots of toys!" Your brother said which made sam clapped his hands and yelled yay

"Brother, don't spoil the kid too much" you said and he ignored you, you slightly chuckled because of how cute they were. You were preparing food when the Tv caught your attention

Now, allow us to introduce you to new CEO of Hwang company Hwang Hyunjin!

You stopped what you were doing and slowly looked at the TV and saw him, the man you slept with

The father of your child

"Uncle doesn't he looks like me?" Your eyes widened when sam said that, since you didn't told your brother he smiled at sam

"He does looks like you but you're much handsome!" He said and tickled him as he laughed

You looked down and sighed. Sam keeps on seeing that man's face everywhere maybe because he's the ceo of the famous hwang company and he noticed that he and him look alike some of his classmates also said that they look alike

But it's all good since he thinks it's just purely a coincidence that they look alike, so far he never asked who his dad is so I'll think it'll be alright.

Hyunjin's Pov
I waved to the cameras as my guards escorted me to the limo. I got in the reporters were still trying to knock on the window or take pictures but my guards did a good job from not letting them get too close

"This is annoying" I said and as usual the driver just smiled at me "I won't show up to these kind of events next time, I might even kill someone in public if I continue on going to these kind of events" I said

"But young master you have to your dad told you t-"

"I don't care about what that old hag tells me what to do" I said with an angry tone "I won't follow his orders" I heard the driver sighed and then started the engine, since my schedule are already finished it's time to go to that warehouse

During the ride I was just looking outside the window when suddenly the driver stepped on the breaks and a thud was heard. I glared at the driver and he gulped

"Y-Young master, im sorry there was a kid who suddenly ran-" he went quiet when we heard someone yell outside

"SAM!" Says the one outside and I sighed

"Go and check" I coldly said and he obeyed, I watched as he opened his door and went outside to check the kid. Even If I was inside the car I can still clearly hear what they're talking

"Ma'am we're so sorry is the kid alright-" he was about to touch the kid but the mom yanked his arms away

"Sir, please watch where you're driving! This is a one way street what were you thinking!?" The mom yelled and the driver looked down

I rolled my eyes. I need to go to the warehouse fast but this lady is pissing me off. I got off the limo and the driver bowed at me

"Young master" he said and I looked at the mom who was carrying her kid, the kid didn't seemed injured he wasn't even unconscious

"Are you okay, sam?" The mom asks and the kid nodded his head probably shocked on what happened

"Give them money and move on" I said and turned my back on them when suddenly someone grabbed my wrist making me look at them

This girl- no one dared to grab my wrist like this

"Do you think money solves everything!?" She said but as soon as I faced her she froze and her eyes widened

Does she know me? I mean everyone might actually know me since my face is everywhere

"Wh-" she suddenly let go of my wrist then avoided eye contact

"We don't need your money, come on sam" she said and walked to her son but the son only looked at me "What are you doing sam? Let's go now!" His mom said again and she held his hand but the son didn't budge

"Mommy...isn't that the guy who I look like?" My eyebrows furrowed as the kid smiled widely at me "Does dad looks like him too, mommy?-"

"Stop it sam, lets go" she said and carried him, as soon as they were away the driver turned to me

"Young master, that kid does look like you" I raised my eyebrows at him makung him stay silent and looked down

"Ah whatever let's go to that warehouse" I said and went back to the limo

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