thirty two

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"Sir Wang your father is waiting for you at the dining hall" Gordon, our head butler says, as usual he had a composed expression on his face it shows that he's really a five star professional butler. He's been here even before I was born

Jackson only responded with a hum and continued on rolling up his white sleeve. When he was finally done trying to make himself presentable, he went outside with Gordon following him from behind

The maids opened the door leading to the dining hall. He went in and saw his father having a nice chat with his mother

He didn't love his mother nor cherished her but he also doesn't hate her but he is disappointed in her after he found out what she did to Y/n and Hyunwoo's mother resulting in Y/n and Hyunwoo to experience being a stray on the streets

Of course, his father doesn't have any knowledge that the kids he sent to the orphanage actually got sent to the streets because no one would be willing to adopt them

He despised his father more than anyone. He was stupid enough to believe in his mother, blinded by those sweet words of who she really was - a poisonous venom

"Son! You're here!" Her mother lovingly says as she smiled at him. Jackson returned her sweet smile with a smile and sat at the chair at the dining table

"Me and your mother is planning to build a hotel at italy, it will help us gain more money for future purposes" his father says as he sliced his perfectly cooked meat

"Mhm that's good" Jackson plainly says but with a smile. His father doesn't know that Y/n and Hyunwoo was actually his real child and the Wang Family blood runs in their veins

Jackson was excited to see what reaction will his father shows when he finds out that the kids he sent to the orphanage, thinking that they weren't his child, was actually his child?

A smirk appeared on Jackson's lips. He was eating silently while his parents were just talking about business and stuff

"You know, the Hwang is gaining a lot of power recently" that had caught Jackson's attention. He was now listening to his parent's conversation as soon as he heard the word Hwang

"Oh? Didn't the head of the Hwang family got into an accident recently? The son of that Old Hwang. Hmm wasn't it Hwang Hyunjin?" His mother unsurely says

Hwang Hyunjin, Hyunwoo said that he was the one who got y/n pregnant

"Mother" Jackson called which caught both of his parents attention "Is there a woman living with Hyunjin?" He asked. He was literally feeling uneasy, he needs to know what happened to y/n

Why was Y/n with Felix yesterday? Isn't she supposed to be with Hyunjin? Since he is in fact the father of her child?

"Hmm there were rumors circling around that Hyunjin had a woman living in his house and also not to mention, a kid but it wasn't really confirmed if it was true or just a basic rumor" she shrugged and continued on eating

"Why are you asking, son?" His father asked him, his father was very observant so he definitely knew something was up

"Nothing, just curious" Jackson smiled and stood up wiping his mouth with a clean towel "I'll get going now, I have some work to do" he smiled at them then went out of the dining hall

Jackson loosens his tie as he took a deep breath and sighed. He decided to go to his office to figure out what's going on in his little sister's life, he also can't ask Hyunwoo since he doesn't know all he knew is that her sister is living with Hyunjin because of her son

Hyunwoo is in Jackson's Mansion. The Mansion Jackson is in right now is the Wang Family Mansion but Jackson has his own Mansion, this is kind of a thing in the Wang Family, the sons and daughters of the Wang Family will have their own Mansion built even if they're still a toddler - they will have their own Mansion so they will move in their Mansion when they turn 18

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