Chapter 24

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Neil didn't get angry at the slap but just smiled and hugged her ! One tear fell on her neck falling down all the way to her shoulder ! As soon as Avni felt it she stopped fighting his hug but didn't hug him back ....

Neil broke the hug ! And looked at Avni who looked different a little bit ! Tired maybe ! But still beautiful as always .

Neil:"can we plzzz I'm begging you to sit for 5 minutes ! Don't give me more than five minutes plz ! Don't say no ! Hear me out for 5 minutes and then I'll go if ! Just 5 !"

Avni just nodded !

Neil:"so I'll start from the very old beginning! so I met Laila in college we dated for some months ! She was not my first girlfriend but the first girl I imagined a futur with ... because all the other girls were just a pass time of a week or two !
I saw a futur with her because she liked my parents ! She knew my favorite color and dishes ! We used to go on dated from time to times ! And she used to respect my choice of studies and my schedule and I was stupid enough to think that this was love ! So i used to tell her ! That one day I'll marry her and give her my kids ! Like a good son ! But things changed on the last year of college ! I dropped off college and she didn't trust me that I will find a job ! She said that she doesn't want to date some illiterate boy who has no job or money ! I wasn't rich at that time ! I was a middle class boy ! Son of a man who had a small business ! I asked her for a chance and she gave me a time of 3 months to find a job or else she would break up with me ! I applied in many companies but no luck ! So I went to my father and asked him for a chance in his company ! He agreed and trusted me not for my studies but for my high ambitions ! And in 3 months I cracked a deal that changed the importance of dads company and took it to a very much higher place ! I bought her a gift and went to her ! She accepted and got back ! She started respecting me ! Her friends also ! People who used to hate my father started liking him ! I liked the attention I got suddenly so I continued on working harder to make a better image a more powerful one which would make people fear me ! So I started working more ! And I had no time for friends , for family and of course not for her also !
She called me one night for a dinner date at her home ! And I said that I couldn't like always but that time I was joking ! I wanted to surprise her ! I wanted to tell her that dads company is number one and that I was going to have my own now ! Which would give me the opportunity to get married to her and have kids like any normal man ! I was excited and happy ! I entered her house ! The door was open weirdly and that when I heard to people cheering their glasses of wine ! She was having that dinner date with someone else ! And what she said about me was indescribable! For example that I wasn't even a man enough to make love to her ! That I didn't have time to give her what she wanted physically ! So how would I be able to marry her ! To give her kids ! !her conversation which her date soon turned into a heated session and they were all over each other ! My heart was broke for the first time I felt hurt and humiliated ! That when I decided that I didn't want any kids or marriage not even a relationship ! I was single for a long time before you came into my life ! Like a moon's ray from a window into a dark room into my dark heart !"

Avni was by now emotional ! Looking at him still with tears in the eyes !

Neil:" when you came everything changed ! As my secretary you took my mind away from my work which no woman or human being could do ! Not even that bitch ! You made me like children like your sister after I hated them because of that bitch ! You made me feel jealous from any man talking to you ! You made me want to have a relationship with you to ask you out to take you on a date ! And then my grand mom bebe got sick and the mariage happened ! You hated me and I hated it ! When it never mattered to me ! But with you it was different ! I started skipping meetings to come earlier ! I started fantasizing about you in my bed not just having a physical intercourse like that bitch wanted but to make love to you like never ! I started hating your tears and loving your laugh !i started loving you mrs Avni Neil khanna "

Avni left a sniff ! She was by now a crying mess !but managed to say :"if you loved me this much then why ...why did you cheat !"

Neil came closer to her on the couch and held her both cheeks wiping her tears away :"I didn't I swear I didn't and I would never ! That day I felt jealous ! When you told me that you went back home without me ! So I went to the bar and she was there by chance! That lipstick was only because she tripped ! I didn't even let her hold my hand Avni ! As soon as she told me that she wanted to get back with me ! I showed her my ring ! And then she started messaging me ! So yesterday I asked DD to cancel my meetings so I can go talk to her and tell her to stop calling me or texting me ! I didn't tell you because I didn't want to make you feel insecure like she did ! I love you Avni I really do ! So please forgive me for not telling you the truth ! Give me another chance and comeback with me !
That house can't be a home for us if you're not there ."

Avni didn't bother herself to answer and just grabbed his shirt and pulled him towards her kissing him hard holding onto his shoulders tightly as if she was accepting him again ! Neil felt from her loose grip on his shirt that she was tired so he picked her up and took her to the room ! And made her lay down ! She looked tired but in peace also happy and relieved . He stroked her hair gently .

Neil :"why are you so tired baby ?" He asked in concern .

Avni :"I don't know ! Are you staying !"

Neil ::"I would have stayed baby ! If it was your appartement! I'll go and tomorrow I'll send you the address you'll come to see my office here okay ?"

Avni sleeping already just hummed in response making Neil chuckle and got out happy that his woman is still his ...

Precap:". Avni is pregnant ?????
What do you think guys ???✌️

I really hope you enjoyed these two chap..

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I will try my best to post soon !try and share the story the most you can plzz with your friends ! It will really motivate me in my writing and in my life in general

Thank you for understanding
Love you all ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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