Chapter 12-part1-

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Neil thought that she must have slept out of tiredness so he just changed and joined her on the other side of the bed .
Next morning:
Avni woke up first and thanked god that Neil wasn't in bed or else he would ask her about the reason she kissed him yesterday ! What will she say!! . She went to the bathroom and wore the new black saree with black blouse that she bought with Neil and went down stairs with her suitcase .it' 9am btw..

Shweta:"good mor...!! Where are you going Avni !why do ..." she asked panicked .
Avni:"you forgot ? I am going to my parents house ! " she said it with a smile.
Shweta:"oh yes ! I forgot ! But you won't take long right because we'll miss you !"
Avni smiled and hugged shweta and said good by.
Bebe:"avni ! Why are you saying by yet ! You didn't have breakfast yet !??"
Avni:"actually Bebe ! Mom is making something special so she asked me to have breakfast there I hope you don't mind !"

Bebe :"oh noo ! That's fine ,where is neil then!"
Avni didn't know how to answer ! But managed to :" bebe he actually went early as usual to work !"

Shweta :"his wife is going for a week away from him and he didn't even wait to give her a good by kiss ! See Prakash  he turned out just like you "she stopped with the famous unbelievable look.and continued mumbling :"like father like son unromantic !"

bebe :"shwetaaa!!"she warmed her in a playful way making Avni smile in sadness as it was true he didn't even say good by , maybe he is pissed off that I kissed him ,he spoke about friendship and I kissed him how embarrassent .
her thoughts were broken when Yuvi spoke .

Yuvi:"bhabi! Don't worry I'll drop you !"

How sweet of you !!
She said good bye to everyone and went with Yuvi who was talking only about his gf and laughing that Avni didn't realize when she arrived to see her little sister Pooja running to her jumping into her arms hugging her tight Yuvi just smiled at her parents who were at the door and went back to his house .

In Avni's house :
Every one was opening the gifts she got them and thanking her also asking about Neil and her two bffs just teasing her whenever they get the chance to .. she didn't notice when and how the day came to it's end her she was having dinner with every one ; that her phone started ringing it was a landline she excused herself and went to her room .

Neil :shit why did I call her for the file ! I should have called mom or .. but no then they would sense that something is weird between us , it's okay don't make her uncomfortable just ask her to give DD the white file in the closet as soon as he arrives ..

Neil:"hi ! Plz open the closet and take the white file for..." she cut him off.

Avni:"Neil ! I'm not home .." not even one day that I left and he already forgot me , no wonder he hated me kissing him .

Neil:"what ? where are you then ? It's late ! I'll come pick you up ! Who are you with ? Are you with Karan ?? "His voice suddenly changed ...

Avni:"what ? Why would I be with Karan ? I'm at my parents house ? You forgot that I was coming today ?" So he isn't upset he just forgot !!!

Neil: « what?? Why didn't you tell me that it was today ! I could have dropped you !And said good  bye and hugged you and ... »

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