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coconut rum in your bleached hair rots your acrylic teeth and pleats at the bottom of your tongue. it narcotizes your insides and has you spewed up in the corner of a little girl's bathroom with powdered nosebleeds and your putrid heart viscid in your own fetid gore.

your morbidly avid pupils dance over the hem of my virgin white dress and undo the seams until the lace of my drenched underwear is a sickening tool in fabricating me as a bloody marionette in your disgusting daydreams.

sing to me tasteless riddles and puppet me in your wicked plays for vacant halls as a femme fatal and feed me your lies from the concrete grounds you hopped around on with expired gum stuck on the sole of your derby's until rafflesias bloom from the gaps between my teeth and dry cider pours from my pores and into your blemished throat when i piss on your fatal tongue.

oh, you sickenin' monster! now there is mildew growing on your blackened lungs from the nylon demon you forced down my throat for the sake of attending to your satanic pleasures- you moaned with your head arching and my neatly combed locks as a whip for your abused stallions.

you call it a bloody rendition- tying me up with silk thread and your serrated canines around my bosoms till they bleed and ache in your name.

"hermosa"- you drool on my pretty face. my cum-coated lips beg for your mercy- you were supposed to love me.

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