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spring has crawled her way through the spaces between the concrete bricks of rain-washed pavements and into the hungriest parts of me; where for sure the sun had kissed a little over fourteen times and yet i drown mercilessly in the bruised waters you planted inside of me with those unwavering fingers of yours.

you've grown into the wildest flowers, the light that rests upon green grass lawns as the sky breaks in half at dawn, and the violent hurricanes that ravage blossoming cornfields and snap bones for the mere amusement of it. 

you're unbeautiful and ungraceful, so god-forsaken with your flesh painted in blues yet your teeth dug into my heart, and all i could mutter was i love you. and i have- for the longest time. i have loved you through the droughts upon my throat and through the gentlest winds that carried the currents of my play-act heart. i've loved you as the moon loved her darkness and how the sun cherished his pain. i loved you not for the withered petals that rest upon your tongue but for the vehemence of faults and flaws that lingers in your eyes.

and oh how i had reunited with a long-forgotten fragment of my severed soul upon my lover's lips!

your laughter splits the greatest mountains into halves and yet i'm blinded by the light of all the flame and fury that resides beneath them and i find it so undeniably and madly beautiful(?) your gaze upon me and your ludicrous earth-bound forms, the subtle whispers, the echos of the angels about the deathly chaos you'd unravel from the threads that knit my stomach in baby blue butterflies- but no longer did i care!

you reached your hand into the skies and dug blackholes in the name of daring and doting- you pledged with tethered pinkies and stitched hearts, we'd no longer need to hide for as long as hellfire boils beneath our dirt-coated toes and bruises paint our chests in faulty constellations.

till death do us apart- till your death did us apart.

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