Chapter 3 Old and New Friends

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Mahi settled herself on a sofa in the living room. After she had lunch, she sat down with a cup of masala tea. Her sneezing hasn't stopped yet but has just gone down a little. She was still feeling the chills so, she wrapped herself in her mother's old shawl. She loves the way it smells. Another sneeze made her almost curse the pool. With that, her thoughts go back to yesterday evening's events followed by morning's conversation. That would be the first time she had a proper chat with Dev. In all these years of knowing each other, they were nothing more than just acquaintances. Even though their mothers were besties. As Saavi Maa's son Dev was often part of their conversations but never conversed personally. After all these years, this was the first time she ever spoke to him for that long. She felt nervous and at ease while talking to him. 

Mahi takes another sip from her tea. As she puts down the mug, she sneezes again.

'God bless you, dear,' said the lady standing at the entrance.

'Thank you,' Mahi says reflexively and turns towards the voice. She sees a woman probably in her late 20s or early 30s. She is wearing a loose fitted full-length shirt that looked like a maternity gown. It is a maternity gown after looking longer and a belly sneaking out. 

'Hi!' said the lady on the door. She starts walking towards Mahi and continues,' You must be Maherishi if I am not wrong.'

'Hi!' says Mahi getting up from her cosy chair and ask the lady,' Do we know each other?'

'Well, I was hoping you would. But again, I really can't trust an asshole like Dev to tell you about me,' says the woman as she comes in closer and continues,' Sorry for my language'.

'Umm, I still don't know who you are,' says Mahi. She guesses her to be really close to Dev, seeing her curse at him like that. 

'Sorry! I am Ekta. Dev's old friend, plus his other old friend's wife, also happens to be his legal advisor.' Finally, the woman introduces herself. 

'Ohkay! I am sorry but, he is not home at the moment,' Mahi replies. 

'Oh, that I know. I didn't come for Dev. I am here for you. We were not able to meet during your wedding,' says Ekta smiling. She looks at her pregnant belly as she rubs her hand over it. She continues,' You see, I am not really alone so, I was forced not to travel.'

'Please sit. I am so sorry to keep you standing like this,' Mahi says, immediately realising for how long she kept the woman standing.

'That's alright,' says Ekta taking a seat and looking at Mahi's red nose,' So you caught a cold, huh?'

'Yeah. Kind of,' replies Mahi sitting back in her chair.

'I know. The weather here is like that,' says Ekta. 

'Yes,' says Mahi keeping the face as straight as she could. 

'If you don't mind, I make a really amazing desi remedy for cold,' replies Ekta watching Mahi go through another sneeze.

'Wow! I wouldn't mind anything at this moment,' Mahi says while sniffing and continues saying,' please do let me know the recipe. I'll ask Salma to make it for me.'

'Oh no, I can't! It's a family secret,' says Ekta and continues,' It has to be me who makes it,' smiling widely.

'I really can't ask you to do that for me,' says Mahi glancing quickly to her belly and back to her. 

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