Chapter 12 Her Choice or Another Triangle

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Last night was very much like a sweet taste of exotic fruit, which was still fresh for Dev and Mahi's taste buds. Both felt immensely strained at the thought of them being in an enclosed area again, yet they are eager to see each other. Tension builds up when Mahi sees Dev's name in the notification on her mobile screen. She quickly drops the file in her hand and grabs the phone, leaving the staff in her office puzzled. Mahi's lips curves at one end in a smile while she opens the message from Dev. She feels the audience and quickly switches back to her earlier form of calm and poised self.

Dev felt the excitement as he stroked back and forth in his office. He was confused, whether he should call Mahi or leave a text. The dilemma was making him more nervous. But, somehow, he takes the courage and informs Mahi about the dinner at Ekta and Rohit's place through a text. Yet, he felt thrilled because this way, he'll get to spend more time with Mahi.

Mahi and Dev arrive at their place together but separately. 

'I could have picked you up,' says Dev as soon as he gets down from his car, seeing Mahi getting down from hers. 

'Yes, only if it had to be from my office,' replies Mahi, keeping herself as calm as she could. It seems like something switched in her. She is feeling nervous in Dev's presence. It was definitely something new, she noticed. Even when she tries hard to keep her pose, her actions gives her away. This time, it was her loose shirt. It gets stuck in the car's door when she closed it too fast. Without wasting any time, she quickly opens the door and frees herself. Though in that haste, a button from the end breaks off. Simultaneously her Chinese hairpin drops as she jerked a little while getting that shirt out. It makes a clinking sound on the concrete, leaving her long thick locks free. Dev could see her nervousness.

'Fuck!' Mahi exclaims reflexively in frustration. She quickly tries to adjust the shirt as she tucks the ends in the jeans. She gets herself to pick the pin, but she finds Dev standing in front of her with it in his hand. He takes a step closer. Mahi becomes motionless.

Dev softly sets some free strands from her face behind her ear. 

'Leave them open,' he says, as he slides her longer locks over her shoulder. He continues,' I'll keep it safe,' smiling as he waives the pin to her and slides it down his trousers' pocket. 

Mahi gulps sharply, looking at him and nods like a little kid. Dev smiles, seeing her nod and gestures towards the entrance, saying,' After you.'

Mahi moves towards the door. Dev exhales heavily behind her. He was holding in all his nervousness while what came over him to act with such confidence. Even he was perplexed at his actions. 

A few minutes later, everyone is gathered in the living room. Ekta, along with Mahi and Kabir, is cooing loudly in front of her baby boy. They are sitting on the sofa in the middle of the room. On the other side, Rohit is giving company to Dev, who stands behind the small bar in the corner, showing off his bartending skills. Kabir sees a chance to speak with Dev, and he gets up to go to the bar. 

As he is about to leave his seat next to Ekta, she leans in to whisper, ' Just a reminder. I have a strict non-violence policy in my house.'

Kabir takes a second and replies with a serious face,' Since when?' 

'Since I gave birth to him,' responds Ekta to his sarcasm.

'Ah! I'll try my best,' says Kabir teasing Ekta with a wink, as he leaves before Ekta could say anything.

Seeing Kabir moving towards the bar, Rohit takes a cue and leave the two boys with their matter.

'Whiskey with soda?' asks Dev as Kabir takes a seat in front of him.

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