Chapter 27 The Vacation: The Last The First and Many More to Come

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 'We don't have our room here,' Dev replies as they step outside. Sun is already setting over the immense length of the beach. Mahi could only pause for a second to let in the beauty of nature in front of her. 

'That's our ride,' says Dev pointing towards a small cart in front of them. 

'Where exactly is our room?' asks Mahi becoming confused at Dev. 

Dev points to the direction where the bunch of trees in density begins. They were at the stretch of the beach and along with the building of the hotel. The green has a narrow paved path for the small vehicles like the cart in front of them.

'You better not make me sleep in some tent,' says Mahi, shooting warning towards Dev. She is well versed with the Dev's favourite pass time of going camping. 

Dev breaks into a small laugh as he says,' Don't worry. We won't be spending our first night here in some tent. But, we will in the coming days. You wouldn't mind that. Would you?' asks Dev becoming tensed suddenly. 

Mahi breaks into a chuckle seeing Dev's worried face. 'I was kidding. No. I don't mind living in a tent. If it's with you. I don't even mind sleeping with you under the open sky,' Mahi ends with a teasing. 

Dev leans in close to her ear as he whispers,' We'll see about that.'

Mahi punches him softly. Both get on the cart and drive along the curvy path into the little dense green. As they move along the narrow path, Mahi notices small cottages along the way into the forest, at some distance. Each hutting seems isolated but beautifully designed. They pass through some four such build-ups before some dense trees follow. The path twists and turns a few more times. But, it comes to an end. The end, which had a beautiful cottage, was a little bigger than what they have seen on the way. It had a small yard in front with a small gate. Dev pulls the cart in front of it. He then takes Mahi's hand to lead her through the gate. They walk a couple of steps before stepping on the stairs to the cottage. Dev clicks the key card on the knob and opens the door. 

When they enter, Mahi gasps at the size of it. It was no less than a suite. It has its own living space and a small pantry on the left. On the opposite of it was a partitioned room, probably the bedroom. But, she becomes stunt when Dev goes past her and draws up the curtains to add to her amazement. The view of the beach through the wall size glass doors catch her eyes. When Dev slides the door open, a soft sea breeze sweeps across her face. Dev stands there quietly, taking in her every little reaction with a smile on his face. She glows with joy when she notices the accessibility of the beach from that door. It's like they have their private beach. 

'It's beautiful,' Mahi breathes. 

'Hold that. There is another thing you are yet to react to,' Dev takes Mahi by hand and leads her through the partition into their bedroom. The king-size bed with white floral sheets and beige covers. The room also had a beach view, continued from the living. 

'The bed. Of course. It's beautiful too. It's huge,' says Mahi becoming a little awkward.

Dev chuckles loudly as he draws down the curtains, turning the room almost dark. It takes a couple of seconds for Mahi to adjust her eyes to the darkness as she becomes more nervous. 

'I didn't mean the bed,' whispers Dev in Mahi's ears, to which she jumps. Just seconds ago, he was next to the door, and now he is behind her. 'I meant this.' He hands Mahi a small device, more like a remote with just two buttons on them.

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