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            I am once again in this empty white void, all alone. The only thing I could feel being the ice-cold sensation on my fingertips.

Not so long after, I hear a loud ruckus in the middle of this void. What could it be? I could not tell.

I look towards the source of the dreadful sound and was met with an odd door. How many times have I seen this door? I've lost count. But it's the only thing that could get me out of this empty place.

I carefully approached and entered the door.

As I enter, a large beautiful field rolls ahead of me, filled with tall grass and flowers.

But then I saw a tall dark figure in the middle of the field. As I try to look closely, the dark figure turned its head towards me. What is this chilling feeling? My heart pounds rapidly. Is it excitement? Or fear?

Tears ran down its face as I jolt awake.

Before I realize it, my body was covered in cold sweat as I sat up on my bed, my body trembling. It's one of those nightmares again; I've had it ever since I lost my parents. But it has grown worse after my brother disappeared.

I pressed my hand against my forehead as I groaned in pain. I reached over to my nightstand and consumed the painkillers the doctors prescribed me.

I moved to the edge of my bed and slid my feet inside my slippers. I then walked over to the kitchen, staggering left and right, hoping to relieve my pain with some milk.

I flipped on the light switch and approached the fridge. As I reached for the handle, a post-it note screamed at my face. 'Go get more milk.' It read, followed by a list of groceries.

"tsk, why now?" I whined.

I quickly looked at the time as I grabbed my wallet and reached for my coat. The store must be open already.

As I put on my shoes, I glance over the letter on top of my drawer. The letter my brother wrote before he went missing. How I wished to meet him again, I've been waiting for quite some time.

I sighed as I finished putting on my shoes and headed out.

A few paces after I left my apartment, I spot an antique shop. I share quite an odd bond with antiques, so it might not hurt to shop for one along the way.

As I enter the shop, there were only two people inside including who I assume is the shopkeeper. Just as I approached one of the shelves, I could feel the shopkeeper's piercing gaze. Maybe it was a bad idea coming here. I sighed and walked towards the exit but accidentally, I've knocked over one of the shelves.

"Watch out!" a voice shouted.

I looked up and notice a large antique plate falling in my direction. Out of fear, all I could do was to shut my eyes close and hugged myself tightly.

After a while, I have not heard a single crash. I curiously opened my eyes to see that the customer had held the plate on top of me, preventing the fall.

"T-Thank you." I thanked the man.

The man nodded and placed the plate back to where it belonged on the shelf.

"I-I'm sorry." I bowed as I apologized to the shopkeeper.

"No worries, I'm just glad that it didn't land on you." He replied, approaching me and the customer.

The shopkeeper gently lays his soft hand onto my cheek.

"Are you hurt?" He asks.

"I'm alright..." I nodded as I looked down, nervously.

"Xue, thank you." The shopkeeper spoke as he pulls away.

"I really thought you were a necric for a second when you entered the shop." The shopkeeper nervously laughed as he strokes the back of his head.

"I'm sorry, necric?" I looked up, confused.

For a while, the shopkeeper and I exchange many questions in confusion and suddenly, the customer, Xue, pointed to my behind.

"You're a maugens." He spoke.

"I'm a what?" I asked as I desperately looked at my behind.

I have a tail? I hastily stroked my head and felt animal ears.

"Waah!" I screamed in both confusion and fear.

"What did you do to me?!" I shouted angrily.

"We didn't do anything! It just appeared earlier and I thought you were just using your necric disguise coming in here! Are you not aware?" The shopkeeper replied.

"What are you saying?!" I shouted.

"Calm down, no need to panic. Let's just talk this out." The customer advised.

I looked cautiously at the both of them and carefully nod, they didn't seem harmful.

They lead me to the back of the shop and we all sat across from each other.

"So, you are not aware of this at all?" The shopkeeper asked as he glanced over my animal features.

"No, not at all." I hang my head as I look down.

The shopkeeper and the customer looked at each other briefly before saying another word.

"I'm assuming that you're a half-blood that grew up in the necric world." The customer spoke as he stared at my face intently.

"It may be dangerous for you to live any longer here; who knows what will happen if you revealed yourself in front of a bunch of necrics." The shopkeeper shook his head.

"With that said, we need to bring you to the headmaster. Do you trust us?" The shopkeeper lends out his hand and offers me to stand up.

I pondered for a moment before taking his hand.

"Great! I promise we mean no harm, my name is Flavio and he's Xue." He spoke as he pulls me up.

"I'm Cole," I replied.

"Well Cole, hold on!" Flavio advised as he smiles excitedly.

They both lock their arms with mine and my vision disappears.

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