Chapter 5 - Going Shopping With The Lion

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          As we proceed to go to the 'ori'nuit', Lev suddenly spoke.

"So, I heard you were living with Necrics. I'm surprised you've survived this far, how are they?" I turn to face Lev but his eyes are still focused on the road ahead of us. I turn back to face forward and answered.

"The Necrics? They're okay, some are good, and some are bad. But, I've never heard them mention the maugens."

"Oh, really? I heard Sir Dranc going on and on about how they're evil and wants to kill us all and stuff like that." Lev spoke, he seemed like he wasn't interested in the topic.

"Well, looking at you guys, if you were to suddenly appear in front of a Necric... Some would not be as accepting as the other." Feeling the air tense up between us, I look down onto my feet and quickly change the subject. Soon, I gain enough courage to break the ice.

"So... where are we going?" I look up at him to ask but I couldn't help but stare at his face. He looked like he was thinking of something serious. I wait patiently for a response.

"..." Lev doesn't seem to notice my question as he stared down the road ahead. I parted my lips and sighed, looking back to my feet. Silence falls between us as we drive to the location, passing by buildings and people.

After being on edge for some time, I look up and suddenly I was captivated by the view of a traditional-looking town ahead of us. Decorative vines drooped along the balconies and a fountain with a statue of a man wearing some kind of garment in the middle with flowers scattered all around the area. It looked really different from the entre-mort. I can't help but keep staring from my seat.

"Cole, we're here," Lev spoke as the car comes to a stop at a curb. He exits the car and goes around to open the car door beside me. I step out of the car and survey the area. There are beautiful decorations and flowers all over the buildings surrounding us and small shops in every nook and cranny.

"We're in the Ori'nuit?" I asked as I kept staring down the buildings around us, charmed by the view. Soon, I hear Lev scoff.

"Beautiful, Isn't it? This is Baile en ceau. It's famous for the people's craftsmanship, especially tailoring. If you want to shop for clothes or furniture, this town is perfect to browse. But this isn't the ori'nuit yet. This is the ori'nuit." Lev spoke as he points in a direction with his eyes and looks back at me.

I follow his golden eyes as it points to the building behind him.

"Oh!" I uttered at my surprise. Lying before us is a fancy monochromatic tailor shop. I glanced over to the window beside the entrance as the sign catches my eye. 'Un Ori'nuit, fulfilect novile fasheon edns ind 1657' it read. The language seems so familiar yet so distinct, my head hurts just by trying to remember.

"Does your head hurt?" Lev slightly comes closer to my face, examining it. He might've noticed the sudden discomfort on my face.

"It was nothing really, probably just tired," I replied. "Alright, if you ever need anything, just tell me. Don't want sir Dranc to go mad." Lev chuckles. Was he trying to make me feel better?

"Let's go inside." He continued. I nodded and followed him inside while the men in black suits wait outside.

As we enter, Lev walked straight to one of the employees and spoke. The employee nodded and led us into a back room behind the shop. I followed and was met with stunning garments, fabric, and some tailoring tools around the room. I can see that it has to be a room for very important people since we are the only ones in the room.

I was stunned once again. These places, these people, this world. It's so much different than what I am used to. Yet, it already feels like I've been here for ages. I take a deep breath as the feeling of nostalgia engulfs me.

"Cole? You've been spacing out a lot ever since we got here, is everything okay? Are you uncomfortable? We can try another shop if you want." Lev waves his hand in front of my face and I immediately snap back into reality. As I realize what I've been doing, the feeling of embarrassment swallows me whole.

"I-I'm alright, I promise! It's just a lot to t-take in since all of this is new to me." I reassured. But my face says otherwise as it slowly heats up from the embarrassment. I try my hardest to bury the feeling deep down inside me.

"Right, I forgot about that of you, I'm sorry." Lev shoots me an apologetic smile. I nod. "Now, she will take your measurements for your clothes. You'd have to stand over there, Is that alright?" Lev nudges his head towards the female employee and then onto a small fancy stepping stool in front of a mirror.

I nod and followed the employee to the mirror. I follow her instructions to lift my arms up as she measures my body. As I'm getting my measurements, I briefly glance at Lev using the mirror's reflection to see him sitting down reading some kind of book. I look back up to see my own face in the mirror, alone with my thoughts.

After some time, the employee comes back with some set of clothes in hand after getting my measurements.

"Go on, try them." Lev smiles softly. I grab the set of clothes from the employee's hand and brought it inside the fitting room with me. After putting on the clothes to make an outfit, I step out of the fitting room.

"That looks good on you! Is it comfortable?" He smiles openly. "I'm wearing this to school?" I asked him as I look back and forth at the outfit. It was a three-piece suit, the suit was a beautiful wine red color however it was definitely way too fancy to wear at a school.

Lev lets out a small chuckle. "No, don't worry. We'll take care of your uniform later. Right now, I just need you off of your pajamas first. You can't go back to the Necrics which means you can't get to your old clothes, correct?" He smiled and I nodded silently in response.

"So, I'll take care of things for you." He smiles softly towards me. After a few seconds of silence, Lev continues. "It fits perfectly right? We'll have to stock up your clothes since you're gonna live here for a while." He spoke whilst asking to the female employee to bring in more clothes for me to fit. I sighed as I didn't want to burden him by taking care of things for me.

After fitting in more and more clothes with small debates here and there, we finally emerge from the store with bags of clothes in hand. The men in black suits hurried to take the bags off of our hands and to put them at the back of the car.

As we were walking towards the car, I feel a pat on my left shoulder. I quickly turn to see the snake-like student with his hand on top of my shoulder.

"Cole?" he spoke as he was making sure he was talking to the right person. I nod and suddenly hear Lev speak up.

"Oh, Lucius! Fancy running into you here!" I turn my face towards Lev and notice the edge of his lip twitching as he puts on a smile.

"Sir Dranc told you that I would be the one who's going to take care of his files, did he not?" Lucius said calmly.

"He did! He did! Well, Cole, you have fun with Lucius here and I'll continue with getting your essentials in the area while I'm still here." Lev's smile grows softer as he turns to face me.

I didn't know what to do nor say but to nod and follow Lucius.

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