Chapter 4 - An Odd Conversation

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"You seem surprised!" He continues as he leans closer to me. I soon realize the distance between us and jolt away.

          "I-I am... Say, is there a chance where people have the same last names but they don't know each other?" I asked him, meeting his eyes. He leans backward and plops to the ground.

          "Maybe, yeah. But there's a 100% chance they're related though." He spoke as he looks up to the sky. "I don't mind if it turns out we're related though! It will be fun! Plus, you're a half-blood right? That's awesome!" He quickly turns back to face me.

          "Y-yeah..." I nodded. 'It might not be so bad having a relative in here if he actually is a relative...' I pondered to myself.

          "Oh! That said, you should meet my brother after school, he'll be surprised!" Rey chuckled to himself. "Oh! Right, do you have siblings?" he leans subtly closer, his lunch in his hands.

          "Well, I-" Suddenly, the sound of the bell interrupted me before I could answer his question. Lunchtime was over.

          I exhaled a sigh of relief and suddenly Rey chomps down his whole lunch, swallowing it, and stands on his feet. He then offers his hand to bring me up to my feet as well.

          "You can answer that question later then, we should go to class." He smiles. I look up to meet his face, my feelings indescribable. I soon accept his hand and slowly got up to my feet.

          "You're gonna eat that?" Rey points to the lunch in my hand. "Oh... n-no, I guess I'm full," I spoke, realizing that I've only taken one bite out of it.

          "Can I have it?" He asks as we both slowly walk towards the class. I follow, walking beside him. "S-sure." I give him my already-taken-a-bite-out-of lunch, hesitating a little.

          "Cool!" He takes the lunch from my hand and pulls it close to his mouth, biting it. I furrowed my eyebrows in concern. 'I mean, he did ask for it though...' I thought to myself.

          'Thinking about it, I haven't analyzed his features yet.' I carefully glance over Rey's direction, examining his figure as we walk side by side.

          'His ears are quite small...' I assumed. Without realizing, I've turned my head fully to examine his long tail behind him. Soon, Rey notices and chuckles softly. I turn my head to face him, only to see the lunch that was once in his hands, disappear into mid-air.

          "Are you trying to figure out my paragus?" He asks as his face tries to hold in a laugh. 'what the fuck is a paragus?'

          He and I pause for a moment.

          "You know, my class? My type? Breed?" he says, still trying to hold his laugh, his eyebrows furrowed upwards.

          "O-oh! Y-yes, of course. I hope it isn't rude." I looked down, averting my eyes away from his face in embarrassment.

          "No, no! It's alright. I'm a meerkat if you're wondering." He chuckles again before turning his head back to the front. "What about you?" he asks as he faces forward.

          "I'm a ... Dingo," I answered, still refusing to look in his direction.

          "Oh, that's awesome! Well, here we are!" He spoke, halted his walk and so did mine. Before I realize, we're already in front of the classroom I was supposed to be in, Class 1-C.

          "It was fun having lunch with you, we should talk again soon after class!" he smiles and enters the class, walking towards his desk.

          Before I can follow Rey inside the classroom, someone stops me from the side. I turn to look beside me, where someone had stopped me from entering.

          "Not so fast there." The person spoke, with one of his hands in his pocket and the other grasping my wrist. Confused, I put on a concerned look on my face.

          "Oh, sorry, didn't mean to be rude. I'm Lev Durand, you can call me Lev. you definitely are not going to class without your school essentials, right?" Lev lets out a small chuckle. I instinctively look down to my body and realize that I've been wearing the coat and my pajamas from my apartment. I look back up to meet his face.

          "Don't worry, Sir Dranc sent me. We'll have to get your uniform tailored for you, get your books and etcetera. Sir Dranc also told me someone else will be picking you up to get some documents done." He spoke casually as he gently lets go of my wrist.

          I soon examine him carefully as his long coat drape off of his shoulders, his piercings slowly glint into view, his uniform slightly different from Rey's, his physique also being much bigger than I am. As for his paragus, a lion.

          "Well, Cole, right? Sir Dranc told me about your name already, I hope you don't mind. You don't need to worry about class, I'm actually happy to be granted an opportunity to even skip class right now, Come with me." he grabs me by the wrist and walks away, dragging me by the wrist gently. I can't help but match my footsteps with his and follow him.

          We soon arrive in front of the school gates, his hand still grabbing my wrist firmly. Shortly, a black luxurious car stops in front of us, two men in fancy suits emerge from inside the car, greeting Lev.

          "To the ori'nuit." Lev demanded. The two men nodded simultaneously and opened the car door. Lev leads me inside and follows, sitting beside me inside the car. 'I am not sure if this is legit or just a kidnapping.' I soon feel uneasy as the car starts to move.

Am I really letting random people lead me wherever they want to now?

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