Chapter 15 - Faded Memories

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            "That asshole!" I shout in a whisper as I sit up from the bed. It's already midnight and I can't even sleep. I couldn't help but think of Lev's wounds, as well as Flavio's.

I recall our last conversation in the car. "'I don't want you to get hurt' he says! The only one who's hurt so far is you, goddamit!" I whispered as I throw a pillow on the ground in a rage.

I bury my face into my hands and ruffle my hair in frustration. I shuffle over to the edge of the bed and walked out the door.

Feeling restless, I find myself roaming the quiet halls of Lev's mansion. After a few whispered curses under my breath, I hear a conversation in the distance.

"The young master favors our boy, you say?" a female voice spoke.

I spot two silhouettes at a distance and lean over to the edge of a nearby wall as I eavesdrop.

"It seems so." A male voice responded.

"With what happened to young master today, do you think that the boy might have something to do with it?" The female voice asks.

"I doubt that, Jane. How about you go to sleep early tonight, hm?" The male voice advised.

"You're no fun, Alex." The female voice, Jane, whined as the sounds of footsteps fade away.

I sharply exhale and continue on my way. But suddenly a hand grabbed my wrist and I jolt as I let out a small yelp. I slowly turn behind me.

The male voice from earlier had snuck up on me and grabbed my wrist.

"..." He gazes at my face intently.

"I was just getting some fresh air, I-I'm sorry I'll return to my room—" I attempted to break free but his grip tightens. "Look, if you think that I was involved—"

"What's your name?" He asks.

"...Cole Celestin, sir," I answered.

His gaze saddens and his grip grows loose.

"Stop pretending. You don't need to pretend anymore, not in front of me." He spoke in a brittle voice.

"I'm sorry?" I responded.

"Alexander, can we leave our guest alone?" a man spoke from behind as he grabs Alex's hand.

"But, Rhys—!" "You may go, Master Cole. We apologize for the disturbance." The man spoke as he tears Alex's hand away from my wrist.

"I-I'm sorry, excuse me," I replied, speed walking away from the scene. Alex squirms as the other man restrains him and I disappear into another hallway filled with guilt.

I sigh as I roam aimlessly around the halls.

A few moments pass and I've reached a dead end. The hall ahead of me was creepily and dimly lit as the hall behind me was pitch black. How did I get here?

There were doors left and right and a dusty frame loomed at the end of the hallway.

I slowly approached the frame and wiped some of the dust off with my hands. I coughed and sneezed as I inhaled some of the dust. I then flung my hand back and forth to get rid of the remaining dust in the air. As the dust from the air disappears, I glance over to the frame on the wall.

"Louis!" I shouted at the sight of my brother in the painting on the wall. I wiped the rest of the dust off and three other people appear in the painting including—me.

I glance over to the golden plate under the painting.

"Top left to right: Hugo Noah Valentin (1657 – 1698), Amille Rose Vaughn (1654 – 1698). Bottom left to right: Feo Isaac Valentin (1687 – 1698), Luc Lee Valentin (1693 – 1698)"

"This is..." I muttered as I read the unfamiliar names on the plate. I recall the name, Feo, as I remember the previous nightmare I had. The woman's voice from before, could it be?

I gazed once more into the painting. If the two boys on the painting are me and my brother, the couple must be mom and dad.

I brushed my hands against the golden plate under the painting.

"The years," I muttered. "Were we supposed to die altogether 10 years ago?"

Silence fills the empty, quiet hallway as I pondered my discovery.

"The credentials!" I shouted. "Is this why they said I had an existing file?"

With my recent find, some questions were answered but more questions emerged. Like, why is this in Lev's mansion? What happened to my parents? Why do I have zero memories of this place?

I carefully sat down and leaned onto the wall as I continue to contemplate. But before I could realize, I have let myself slowly fall asleep.

Hours pass and I carefully open my eyes. I'm not in the white void anymore. As I sigh in relief after finally waking up normally, I notice the warmth on my body. I look down, only to realize that I was wrapped under a warm blanket.

I then notice a texture of rough cloth brush up against my arm. I quickly turned my head and spot Lev sleeping against the wall beside me. How did he find me?

Lev groans in his sleep and I snap back to reality. Filled with frustration, I pout as I curl up, burying my face on my knees.

"Cole, I'm sorry," Lev spoke quietly. I might've woken him up with my sudden movements.

"I went into your room last night to apologize but you weren't there. So I searched all over to find you and here you are." Lev turns his head towards me slowly, his eyes droopy. "I was acting cowardly, I'm sorry."

He was the one who got hurt but he's apologizing?

"...How about we start with how you're feeling, Lev? I can't imagine getting stabbed suddenly being fun at all." I asked as I wore a slight smile.

"It's not fun at all." Lev chuckles. "I'm just scared that something will happen to you because of me, that's why I tried to keep my distance."

"You were scared of me getting hurt but you were the one who got hurt, you dumbass," I spoke as I hit Lev's head in a jokingly manner.

We end up spending a couple more hours talking, alone in the abandoned wing.

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