17: My Angel

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"Okay, we got the audio working." Ciro informs us, as Francesco and I enter the surveillance van.

The van was parked literally three minutes away from Corbiniano's house. It looked like a normal delivery van from outside, but the inside was completely transformed. The seats were removed and replaced with more comfortable and convenient chairs. One side of the van was covered with LED screens, and a small foldable table was in front of it for the extra laptop, keyboard and mouse. And as per Ciro's request there was a small mini fridge and snack bar installed exclusively for him. He and his food love.. no comments there.

"Good, let's ear what that rotten piece of trash has to say." I say as I take the AirPod from Ciro hand and put one of them in my right ear as I sit next to Ciro in the chair. 

"Welcome, welcome Bella dear. We all have been waiting for you." Corbiniano cheerful tone fills my ear and it annoys me that my angel is so close to him. The mere thought makes my blood boil with anger. But I had to respect her decision. She was doing this for her family, and I was this for mine, for my angel.

"Thank you." The voice of my sweet angel calm's me down. She sounded nervous but except her tone nothing was giving it away.

"Let's go in, your sister and mother are dying to meet you. They are there in the living room."

"What about the camera??Did you get the live feed on??" I ask Ciro and look at him. He just replies with a single nod and gets busy with typing on his laptop like a mad hacker. 

Last night when Ciro suggested that we should bug Corbiniano's house, I thought he was kidding. How can he suggest that?? How can he put my angel in such danger? What if Corbiniano finds it and hurts my angel. I won't let that happen, never. So straight up I refused his lame idea. But later when Francesco explained me how we can use the recording for both my angel and our advantage, I had to agree. If anything that can help my angel bring back her family, I will do it. 

But that didn't mean I will neglect her safety, she is my number one priority. So that's why I had my men scattered all around Corbiniano's two story house. I was pretty sure it was a rented house, cause a man like him who deals with so many illegal stuff would never stay in this neighborhood. This was a family resident area, were the neighbors are always in your busy and there is no privacy. 

"I missed you so much Bella." A soft voice spoke over the ear piece, at the same time Ciro points at the screen above his laptop. The screen displayed the inside of Corbiniano's house. The camera's angle was slightly shifted to the side but we could still see their faces clearly.

"That's definitely Frankies Eleanore." Ciro says in a low tone, but it was clearly audible in the silent van.

We all had accepted the fact that my angel's sister Ella is actually Francesco's girl Eleanore. But seeing her for the first time might be a bit too much. She was everything to my brother, and I remember how broken he was when she disappeared from his life. He looked for her everywhere and I just hope that when he sees her for the first time he doesn't get distracted.

So I quickly glance at Francesco in order to read his expression, but his face was blank. His eyes gave away nothing, and he was just staring at the screen, at the Eleanore.

"Francesco." I say in an unsure tone.

But he doesn't reply, so I call his name a bit louder this time.

"Francesco you okay?"

He swallows and nods his head as he replies. "I am okay Lucca. I am okay." He says the last part is a low tone like he was reassuring himself that he is okay, that everything will be okay. 

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