14: The Truth

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After welcoming my angel inside, I asked her to go upstairs and freshen up and then join us for lunch. During the lunch Francesco took the initiative and told her everything he had done so far and how he was keeping an eye on her using K.

"Miss.Gabrielle I am really sorry for what I did and ..." Francesco says once everything was out in clear.

"Francesco, I am not happy with what you did but now I see to what extremes you can go to protect your brother, your boss and my Lucca." My angel says as she quietly grabs my hand under the table and squeezes it. I look at her in reassurances as I squeeze back her hand, silently thanking her for understanding my crazy family.

"You are too good to him angel." I say with a soft smile on my face but in a sad tone. I was sad what Francesco did but I also knew he did it for my safety. That is the only reason I have forgiven him. He always thinks about me first and then about himself.

"Lucca he did what he had to do plus I asked him to keep you safe no matter what. And he kept his promise." She looks at Francesco as she says the last part. I look at both of them as they silently exchange a understanding nod.

"C'mon lets go to the lounge, so we can discuss what our next plan is and also buttercup can I see the file that Corbiniano gave you." Ciro says as he pushes his chair back and stands.

"Yeah sure let me get it; it's in my bag." My angels say, and I kiss her head and whisper thank you before heading out of the dining room.


"Here you go" Bella says as she hands Ciro a thick folder and then comes sits next to me.

I open my arm, and she snuggles next to me. We were sitting on the a big couch facing both Ciro and Francesco in the lounge room.

"Would you like some tea?" I ask Bella as I pull her closer to me.

"No I am good, thank you." She replies as she looks up at Ciro and Francesco . They were going through the file and trying to find anything that can help us.

"Angel, whatever Corbiniano said about my father is all lie. My father would never hurt an innocent soul. Let alone kidnap a new born." I say as I grab her hand in mine and look at her. I knew she trusted me, but I wanted to tell her everything. Every single thing. So I go ahead and tell her all about Corbiniano's and his evil plan.

"Corbiniano is not what he says he is buttercup." Ciro says when I am done explaining her all of Corbiniano's and Dante's stunt.

After two minutes of complete silence my angel looks up at me " Lucca the moment Corbiniano said he was my father. I knew he was bad." We all look at her in confusion.

"What do you mean angel?" I ask ask both Ciro and Francesco look at her for a explanation.

"The day I was adopted from the orphanage, the head master came up to me and handed my a letter." She says and swallows before continuing. "The letter was from my mother, my birth mother."

All three of us look at her in shock. I though she was not in contact with either one of her parent. "Angel." I say as I drape my hand over her and pull her even closer to me. I just wanted to show my support to her and let her know that I was there for her.

"She wrote..." She says as she looks down at our entwined hand. "She said my birth father didn't wanted a daughter he wanted a son. A son to continue his name, his empire. And if I was born in his world he would either kill me or use me to increase his wealth."

"Angel." I say in both rage and shock.How dare he think of hurting an innocent life? One who can't fight back. One who can't defend herself.

She looks up at me and continues,"She said she bribed the nurse with her diamond jewelry and asked her to drop me at the orphanage. She also said never to look for her or him to seek revenge. And to just live my life the way I desired and to be happy."

Her words hit all of us like a brick and we three share a look of utter shock and disbelief but we all control our anger and let her talk.

My angel smiles softly,"She warned me to stay away Lucca. Aways from my own father who was out there to kill me.But now he found me and he will kill me. I saw it in his eyes. He was just faking a smile and luring me in his trap."I feel a shiver run down her spine and I tighten my hold on her and rub my hand up and down over her arm.

"Angel, you are mine now and no one can ever hurt you. I will always protect you with my life. " I say in firm tone and look right into her beautiful golden eyes. They were not red but still swollen from all the crying. I wanted her to understand that no matter what, she is my top priority and I will do anything to keep her safe.

"Miss Gabrielle I will do anything in order to protect you and Lucca." Francesco chimes in, trying to reassure her that she was safe with us and we would do anything for her.

"I will always look after you buttercup. You are one of us now." Ciro says with a smile, and that makes my angle to chuckle. 'And still you guys will not call me Bella' My angel whispers but it was barely a whisper and I was pretty sure they heard it.

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