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It was Justin sitting on the sofa. I was shocked to see him after a month. He looked different. He had grown a beard and has his hair till his shoulders and was looking very stressed and sad. I went towards him and saw him shocked seeing me.

"U are here!" I heard his shocked voice. Before I could say anything he hugged me tight. How much I have missed him. I hugged him back and kissed him on the forehead.

I took him in his room and started opening his socks and shoes. I opened his suit and took out his shorts and gave it to him.

I send him inside the shower to take a bath and I went to make some noodles for him. I came up to see him sitting on the bed in his shorts. I got lost in him. Suddenly I realized what I am doing and went towards him and gave him noodles and cold water. He had it without any argument and I was glad.

"Thank u." I heard him saying.

"It's okay. I am ur wife I have to do it. " I said smiling.

I cut his beard and hair. He was looking like earlier. And I was happy. He went to sleep and I was also going in the guest room when I heard him say "can u sleep with me, please?" I was shocked was an understatement.

"Sure." I said trying not to sound desperate. I wore my Nighty and went to sleep beside him. He kept his arms on my body and pulled me closer. I snuggled into his chest and went into deep sleep.

It's been a few days since I slept with him. After that he is ignoring me like I don't exist. I saw a nightmare and I woke up.

I went down to have water. I drank the water and was coming back when I heard Justin saying on the phone "Yes yes bring my bodyguards and my car at 6. We are gonna meet and finish everything today. And call me Sir." I was shocked. Who is he talking with? Why does he wants that person to call him Sir.

I thought of following him tomorrow at 6. I went to sleep and woke up at 5. I went inside the shower and took a fast bath. I came outside and wore my leggings and top. I went to stand outside. It's already 5:55. I saw Justin coming out wearing a black suit. He was looking dashing handsome.

The cars came and he was going to get inside the car. I have to do something in order to get at the car boot glass in front of me. I picked it up and throw it.

"Whose there?!" Justin shouted. All the bodyguards including Justin went to see. I took the opportunity and sat inside the car boot.

After a few minutes all of them sat in different cars and started going.

After 2 hours

The car stopped and all of them came outside. I waited for a few minutes and then came outside. It was a old garage. I looked in the front to see a boy was tied with a rope and was beaten badly. Justin was sitting infront of him and all the bodyguards surrounding him.

I went closer to them after a lot of difficulties. "Oh so now u think u have told me everything I will leave u." I heard Justin saying a harsh ruthless voice.

"Well u are wrong." Justin sid and pointed the gun on the boy's head. omg! Will he kill him. Justin isn't ruthless.

"" he said stuttering.

Justin chuckled and said "Goodbye Maxwell." And shoot him and I shouted. no no no he can't kill him.

"Who the fuck is here? Catch her?!" Jusitn said when I started running. I was wearing a mask. One of the bodyguards catch me and pushed me roughly towards Justin.

Jusitn smirked and opened my mask but the smirk vanished from his face and all the colors from his face drained.

"Selena." He said and tried to hugged me but I pushed him and shouted "don't don't touch me. U killed that guy. U are a bloody murderer." I shouted and started having a panic attack. I saw Justin hugging me before everything black out.


I picked up Selena and took her to the hospital I own. The doctor checked her and told she fainted due to panic attack and now we can take her home.

We made her settle in the room and gave the doc her money. Selena was awake now but she wasn't talking to me.

"Selena please listen to me." I said but she ignored me.

"First tell me everything." She said angrily.

"Okay I will." I said and sat beside her.

"It's one of my enemies men. His boss has killed my dad and destroyed his business. I lost my dad when I was 10. I even lost my own brother who was 20 that day. I saw there dead bodies. I got to know who killed them and I want them to suffer for that. Suffer the same way I have suffer when I lost my dad and Joseph my brother." I said and tears came out of my eyes. I saw Selena is also crying. I rubbed her tears and said "don't cry please."

"Justin u suffered so much." She said and started sobbing.

"Come one it's past. Don't cry. U need rest." I said and soothed her. After sometime she had food and fell asleep and slept beside her. But I didn't tell her who is my enemy





Hey everyone! So this is the chapter and the secret. There are more secrets to reveal. Stay tuned. What do u all think about this chapter? Love u all. Adios. 

I Hate Loving You [ COMPLETE]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora