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The wand exploded with the force of a small bomb.

Rhea screamed shrilly and pulled Ron out of the way of great chunks of tunnel ceiling that were thundering to the floor. Ron slipped on the coils of snake skin, pulling Rhea down with him.

"Ron!" Harry shouted from the other side. "Are you okay? Rhea!"

"We're here!" Ron shouted back. "We're okay — this git's not, though — he got blasted by the wand —"

Ron kicked Lockhart in the shins, making the latter yell in pain.

"Harry," Rhea said desperately. "Are you okay?"

" 'M fine." Harry's muffled voice answered.

"What now?" Ron's voice said, sounding desperate. "We can't get through — it'll take ages. . . . Rhea, you know a spell?"

Rhea looked up at the tunnel ceiling. Huge cracks had appeared in it.

"I can't," she mumbled. "What if the whole thing caves in?"

Ron clenched his jaw and vented his frustration out by kicking Lockhart another time.

"Shut up, Ron, I'm trying to think—" 

"We're wasting time," Harry interrupted her from the other side. "Wait there. Wait with Lockhart. I'll go on. . . . If I'm not back in an hour . . ."

"No, Harry, don't!" Rhea shouted desperately. "The Heir of Slytherin—"

"I know! But Ginny's been there for hours! I've got to go. Ron—"

"We'll try and shift some of this rock," said Ron, who seemed to be trying to keep his voice steady. "So you can — can get back through. And, Harry —"

"See you in a bit," said Harry, apparently not wanting Ron to finish whatever he was saying.

"Damn, it, Harry!" Rhea snapped, but she knew he had already gone. "Stupid Gryffindor."

"Come on," Ron grunted. "We've got to shift the rocks—"

"Where am I?" Lockhart asked suddenly, his voice filled with pain.

"Shut up, you fool," Rhea bit out. "Petrificus Totalus!"

Lockhart slumped onto the floor, hitting his head on the rocks.

"Are you sure there is no spell—"

"No, Ron! Obliviate is a memory spell and your wand literally caused an explosion! We can't risk any other rockfall!"

"Alright, alright," Ron muttered. "C'mon, help me..."

The two began moving the rocks. It was painfully slow—the rocks were too big and too heavy. By five minutes, the two were drenched in sweat.

"Damn it," Rhea cursed. "We should never have brought Lockhart with us—"

"I know," Ron groaned helplessly. "The bloody git!"

Rhea and Ron sat down heavily, their breaths ragged. Their arms and palms were covered with dust and scratches. Ron had an ugly gash on his arm.

"Ew, gross," Rhea cringed, kicking away some snake skin away from her. "How huge is this bloody snake?"

"Did you see its skin? It goes all the way to the other side. I reckon that's how Harry is finding his way."

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