Chapter 22

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a little bit of mature content in this one so beware, also if it isn't obvious this will contain acts between two men.


We had bid the magic users goodnight and I could not help the happiness in my step, my new friend was going to get a body, even if my mate and the mage were unhappy about it I was so excited for him, it wasn't fair that they wanted to kill him.

"Cas, love, how about we leave the kids with my parents for the night and just have some time to ourselves, with so much going on we still have barley spent any time together." My mate asks wrapping his large arms around my midsection and leaning down so his chin was on the top of my head. I pondered it for a few seconds, I had met his parents only a few times they were older and had returned from their second or third honeymoon not long ago, they were extremely sweet to my kids and welcoming to me after I had explained everything, they lived in the other wing to us wanting to live out their years as a happy couple.

"Are you sure they wont mind? I would love to spend more time with you, but I don't want to trouble Eliana and Bradley." I was playing with Thatchers fingers, they were still able to send sparks up my arm causing butterflies in my stomach, looking up at him, I didn't want them to feel like I was pushing my kids away, I love them more than life itself, I would do anything to see them happy, and I know they love being around Thatchers parents who insisted on calling themselves nana and poppy.

"They love our kids Cas, they will be thrilled to be able to spoil them without me their to stop them, don't worry okay?"

We went to their wing where the kids were whilst we spoke with our newest arrivals, the kids swamped me when I walked in all babbling away in their own ways about what they had been doing.

"Hey guys, I have a question, how would you like to stay here over night? I will come get you just before breakfast, but you can spend time with the old alphas all night doesn't that sound like fun?" I was responded with a chorus of cheers from Aria and Zar who went to tell their sleepover friends all about it, but my little Atticus the youngest and more sensitive of the three just kept staring at me like he didn't want me to leave. I grabbed him up in my arms and gave him a big cuddle reassuring him that he will have lots of fun with nana and pop and I will be here before he knows it.

I had just set Atticus down when my mate walked back into the room, he had been telling his parents of the plans and apparently, they were thrilled to have little ones in the house again, he told them about how they sleep as hyenas in a big snuggle pile rather than in a bed separately and to just put a heap of blankets and pillows on the floor for them to do so.

I re-joined with him and said goodbye to my pups eager to spend some alone time with my mate and just relax in his company alone for the first time since I got here. We headed back to our suite and I was trying to think of things that mated couples did but was drawing up a blank I hadn't really seen any couples spend alone together in the clan because it was not like that, one didn't find a mate and then it was just them the matriarch decided who and when people had cubs and that was law. I guess I would have to let Thatcher take the lead for this one, just like he does so effortlessly everything else.

We were back at our bedroom after saying goodnight to the few pack members we saw on our way back here, I was beginning to get incredibly nervous the thoughts of what might happen now racing through my head.

Thatcher wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head before announcing he was going to take a shower, we had had a big day and he wanted to wash the remnants of the bead thoughts down the drain, I was still weary of the shower and bath the fact that water flew at you from the shower head was very new still.

I started to bunch all the blankets into a den like mountain, something I did every night with the kids and even though they weren't here tonight that wasn't going to change, it made me feel safe to sleep in such a dark, den like place.

I had just finished the makeshift den when Thatcher walked back in with just a towel around his waist, I was speechless and blushing like crazy, I think I even squeaked.

I didn't realise I was staring until Thatcher said, "See something you like baby?" I fully squealed and hid my face in my hands while his laugh bounced all over the room, when I moved my hands, he was wearing sweats and no shirt his huge muscular chest on display for my eyes only. "You can look all you want it's all yours Cas."

I opened and closed my mouth a few times unable to form words in response and felt rather stupid that I couldn't compliment or even respond to my mate, I had never thought I would be in this situation, never thought I'd have a mate so I'm really unsure what to do, all my kisses were with Thatcher, I was so inexperienced, and I knew it was going to show and I was embarrassed

Be confident, he loves you, do what feels natural.

Epiales sent to me to remind me that this was my mate we were meant for each other and I trusted Thatcher with everything I had, he had never done anything I didn't like, except trying to kill my new friend.

Thatcher and I moved to the bed and I was placed between his legs with my back on his chest his arms around my waist. It was comfortable and sweet. We had agreed not to talk about anything too big tonight to just enjoy the time we were having together. Not long after talking the mood begin to change in the room one second we were talking the next I was on my back, him leaning over me, his lips pressed against mine in the delicate dance only we know.

"Are you okay with this Cas?" I nodded to him too breathless to even speak, the effect this man had on me was intense. Everywhere he touched left little electric sparks and had me gasping. "No Cas I need verbal conformation if we do anything tonight that you don't like you have to tell me to stop immediately okay?"

"Yes, please keep going." I gasped bringing his head back down to mine. The kiss was deep and intense I'm not sure who, but our tongues were now dancing and causing small mewls to leave my lips.

Thatcher's hands were leading trails up and down my sides and sparks followed in their wake, his large hands came to rest on my arse and squeezed softly. That was it for me I moaned softly into my mates' mouth and he returned it with a deep alpha like groan of his own which had all the blood rushing to my lower region. We broke apart and looked into each other's eyes.

"Cas, may I mark you tonight?"

A mark for a mate, the dominant one would bite the submissive one where the neck meets the shoulder, it would show to everyone that we were bonded, I was his and he was mine, it was like an engagement ring to our kind. I was so overjoyed he wanted to mark me, but I had some thoughts.

"Yes, Thatcher of course, as long as I can also mark you, I know its not common in straight mates, but I wasn't everyone to know your mine as well." I blushed not knowing where the confidence came from, but in knew I wanted this.

"Of course, baby, mark me up." Thatcher said as his lips made their way down my face until they were on my neck, I was wriggling and moaning at the feeling of his hot breath and tongue on my sensitive spot, the place for the mark.

I felt his canines brush my skin and moaned loudly I could feel the connection between us begin to fizzle, I lined up my smaller teeth to the same spot on his neck and bit down at the same time as him. All I could feel was fireworks, all the pleasure in the world shot through me causing me to lose control and unload into my underwear. Thatcher growled loudly at the feeling, I could feel all his emotions like I'm sure he could feel mine. We were connected, we were mated.

"Mine." He growled scent marking me.

"Yours," I responded, "All yours."

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